On Sat, Jul 17, 1999 at 08:14:55PM +1200, Joop Teernstra wrote:
> Roberto and all,
> The IDNO constituency will prove to you and to ICANN that Tony is right. 
> Voting is now underway for a 21 member steering committee for the IDNO.

OTOH, you railroaded David Crocker, Kevin Connolly, and I out of the
group, and there is a clear systematic anti-ICANN bias in the IDNO. 

> This has been a volunteer effort of programming, website building and
> listserv discussion.
> Voters' fraud from different e-mail addresses is precluded by the software.
> (every voter gets a unique password) 

OK.  Good.  I will be kent00001@hotmail -- kent99999@hotmail, all 
generated by software, all having different passwords, all voting my 

Password protection is amazingly naive.

> On top of that it is very easy to analyze web logs for any possible
> irregularity.
> For a few thousand votes you do not need more than this.

For a few thousand votes when large amounts of money may be at 
stake, you do need more than this.

> We have Diane Cabell and Simson Garfinkel as observers.
> Even ICANN could decide to use this voting site. 
> Of course agonizing about cost, voters' fraud etc.has its own 
> attractions. 

And glossing over the issues has its attractions, as well.

> I am offering  use of the site for the equivalent of the cost of my
> attending the Singapore, Berlin and Santiago meetings. 
> Sounds fair? 

I'll offer the same thing for lower cost, on my servers, and I will
throw in some security expertise as well.  Sound fair?

Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain

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