On Sat, Jul 17, 1999 at 04:18:34PM -0700, Roeland M.J. Meyer wrote:

> Kent has always believed that a voting system was against his interests
> and works to discredit them at every turn and opportunity. There is no
> way you can convince him not to, because it really IS against his best
> interest for them to exist and become effective. Remember, his
> affiliation has made great grounds by claiming rough consensus when
> there isn't any. A working voting system would undercut their claims.

Actually, we had a working voting system long ago.

See http://songbird.com/pab/voting.html for a description of the PAB 
voting procedure.  Probably predates Joop's site, actually.

I should point out that the authentication of email addresses for 
PAB was done through the collection of signatures by the ITU.  This 
was not a foolproof method, of course, but not bad.

> One of the reasons I am in the IDNO is BECAUSE of the voting system. It
> is the only organization that has such a system, outside of the ISOC
> (and the ISOC system is only used once a year).

Actually, I saw several voting systems on the web when I researched 
this a while ago.

Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain

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