
> > The European Commission looks, of course, at the global European figures.
> > Obviously, if the European ccNICs had the dominant position you show as
> > hypothesis, the things would be different. After all, DG IV should be
> > silly to bother for 0.01%, don't you agree?
> Not necessarily - if the intent is protectionism.  (...)

Let me see: the fact that 18 monts ago the US Government (at your personal 
request, as you have claimed) accepted to protect your client against 
competition was not protectionism. But if the EU looks into SAIC's tactics 
of delaying competition (each year of delay being worth USD 1 billion in 
sales of NSI stock by SAIC), then of course the motive is "protectionism". 

But could you clarify *whom* the EC tries to protect by investigating
NSI, in your opinion?



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