On Wed, 4 Aug 1999, Ellen Rony wrote:

> My theory about the coverage of the USG/ICANN story is: this shift of
> Internet administration to the private sector has so many twists and turns
> that it isn't easily given to soundbytes.  Mention ICANN and a reporter
> must then also describe the whole transfer of functions from NSF to NTIA,
> from IANA to ICANN.  Most readers' eyes will glaze over before you can say

That's something i can agree with.  The issues are very complex and the
press is not educated enought to deal with the issues.

We recently ran tests on all military dns servers and identified a number
of them with vulnerabilities in their bind.  We contacted the server
admins, and nothing happened.  We contacted the senate and nothing
happened.  Finally we tried the press - they responded, but most of them
had no idea what are admin was going on about.  And these were serious

Finally, we got in touch with someone, who knew someone who ordered the
problem fixed, and ended up getting a thank you note from the pentagon.
The press were not much help and most of it was due to a complete lack of
understanding the issues.

Jeff Mason

Planet Communication & Computing Facility           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Public Access Internet Research Publisher           1 (212) 894-3704 ext. 1033

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