On Thu, 12 Aug 1999, Jeff Williams wrote:

> > > their influence to force policies upon the stakeholders that are not
> > > supported by them.  The "Accreditation Policy" for instance, is just one example.
> >
> > I disagree.  They are doing their jobs to the best of their ability in
> > order to meet their respective mandates.
>   I don't agree completely here either.  ICANN's and NSI's mandate is to
> meet the terms of the White Paper and the MoU.  Neither of them are
> doing that currently, not even close.

No.  NSI's mandate is to keep their shareholders happy.  Investors always
come first and it's investors who count when it comes to the bottom line.

As for ICANN .. well their a mixed bag of interests and conflicting
mandates.  And it shows - no one is happy.  There's gotta be a way of
putting the love back into ICANN.

Jeff Mason

Planet Communication & Computing Facility           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Public Access Internet Research Publisher           1 (212) 894-3704 ext. 1033

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