>On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, Gordon Cook wrote:
> > if the internet is to be homogenized or globalized under uniform laws
> > and controls, let it be done openly and honestly and NOT under the
> > guise of setting up ICANN to bring competition into dns and protect
> > us from evil NSI...... although I must say i have become almost as
> > disgusted with the absence of apparent leadership from Jim Rutt at
> > NSI as with Esther and Mike.
>Let me assure you that under no circumstances will the internet be
>globalized under uniform laws and controls.

I hope you are right.  But when I see the development of GAC and I do 
not see esther and mike disown the gacsters I get very nervous.

> DNS is a technical matter
>wrapped in a catch 22.  Governments are attempting to sieze an opportunity
>at control which does not exist.

Again I think you are likely correct.

>I'm very concerned that alot of people
>are going to end up with egg on their faces and we should take every
>opportunity to avoid that.


>Neither ICANN nor NSI is evil.  We both understand that.  Nor are the
>government officials involved in this mess evil.  Possibly misguided.


>The only thing we have discovered in our examination of this process is
>that no one is in control.  And those in control of portions of the dns
>infrastructure are themselves divided.


>Jim, Esther, Mike and the remainder of the gang will not use whatever
>control they do have because the reprocussions would be fatal.  Whoever
>makes the first move will by default be thrown off the party boat and lose
>whatever control they did have.  If this were to ever happen internet
>users would receive a quick education and they would be fried alive and
>this process forever lost.

why would loosing the process be bad?  If you mean we'd get 
alternative roots, I'd say hooray.  Are you familiar with einar 
stefferud's point of view on this subject?  If not you should read 
archieves of ORSC mailist from jan to march 99....from april on it 
became rather defunct

>At this time control of the internet is distributed to 150,000 entities
>who control the root pointers.  I think it's time to ask them what they

absolutely true

>But before we do that, the quality of the discussion in these conferences
>must improve.  ICANN's survival depends on it.

I have been with you up to this point ...here you loose me.  ICANN 
acts with such disgusting arrogance that I cannot understand why 
anyone would want to save it.

>Jeff Mason
>Planet Communication & Computing Facility           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Public Access Internet Research Publisher           1 (212) 894-3704 ext. 1033

The COOK Report on Internet            Index to seven years of the COOK Report
431 Greenway Ave, Ewing, NJ 08618 USA  http://cookreport.com
(609) 882-2572 (phone & fax)           The only Good ICANN is a Dead ICANN
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    What's Behind ICANN and How it Will
Impact the Future of the Internet http://cookreport.com/icannregulate.shtml

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