Joe Baptista wrote:
> Roberto I posted the communication to Mr. Shaw not with the 
> intention of
> encouraging discussion, but to provide notice.
> I have no interest in participating in this discussion.  I 
> suggest those
> who enjoy the gossip of common housewives proceed to do so in private.

Sorry to have hit a nerve, it was not my intention.
Frankly, I thought your letter to Mr. Shaw was a joke, but since you seem to
take it seriously, may I ask you to provide notice of your further
"appropriate actions", as promised in your message:

> You have 24 hours to comply.  If you should fail to comply we 
> will take
> appropriate action.  We also reserve the right to legal action in the
> event you default on our demand.

I am asking this because, according to housewives gossip ;>), Mr. Shaw has
failed to comply with your request for apologies. So, the world is watching
you and holding its breath to see if action follows the words.


(on second thoughts, maybe my first reading was correct, and your letter to
Bob *was* a joke?!?)

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