On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, Dr. Brian C. Hollingsworth wrote:

> So, basically what you are saying is that you "talk the talk", but you don't "walk 
>the walk".
> Put up or shut up.

No Brian.  What it means is what it says.  We at PCCF are busy little
beavers, and unfortunately there is no beaver available just this minute
to serve Mr. Shaw.  But I assure you Brian once a beaver becomes available
one will be appointed to Mr. Shaw's file.

Again I assure you Mr. Shaw is not a priority.  We have appropriately
censored him and will proceed to the next step just as soon as we can
move Mr. Shaw up on our priority ladder.  Maybe something next week.


> >> I am asking this because, according to housewives gossip ;>), Mr.
> >> Shaw has failed to comply with your request for apologies. So, the
> >> world is watching you and holding its breath to see if action
> >> follows the words.
> > You are correct, he has not complied.
> >
> > Understand, we don't consider Mr. Shaw a priority matter.  We will
> > provide notice in the fullness of time.
> >> (on second thoughts, maybe my first reading was correct, and your
> >> letter to Bob *was* a joke?!?)
> > No.
> > I hope that addresses your concerns.
> --
> Brian C. Hollingsworth
> Senior Legal Analyst
> Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
> Contact Number:  972-447-1894
> Address:  5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> This E-mail was sent from http://www.law.com

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