Since Esther's at the global meeting for establishing mandatory net
content ratings, and seems to be chafing a bit over it, I'd like to
point something out:

Domain names would probably have to be rated as well.
Since Esther *is* at this conference, and is the de facto face of ICANN,
shouldn't someone speak as an official representative of ICANN on these

I certainly don't want the enforcement of ratings on any content on
the net, and I am certain I don't want it enforced based on domain names.

Let's face it:  The only reason anyone would want a global mandatory
rating system is to enact filtering based on those ratings.

If ICANN allows this to occur (and they might -- quite a bit of the money
behind ICANN is also propping up this ratings effort), they will be in
a position to become the arbiters of content on the Net.

Since WG-C is concerned with the introduction of new gTLDs, we should be
very wary of this effort.  One could easily imagine a push to classify
content based on gTLD.  If you think .com's diluted and confusing now,
you just wait until companies are told they must use a particular gTLD
for a particular type of content.  Everywhere you turn, there will be
confusing, misleading, and/or meaningless .com entries, all in an effort
to avoid the gTLDs created specifically to be filtered out.

Mark C. Langston        LATEST: ICANN refuses   Let your voice be heard:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  to consider application for
Systems Admin    Constituency status from organized
San Jose, CA      individual domain name owners

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