I do not think we disagree. I certainly agree with Larry Lessig, and I did
read his book. We disagree on the timing. I am willing to be more patient,
and hope that people like you will continue to demand more accountability.
I did not conclude that all is lost, so long as I see some progress. The
alternatives scare me too. So that is where we disagree. Best wishes.


At 10:18 AM 11/24/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>Tamar concludes:  But I
>also recognize that ICANN has to be built.
>why Tamar.... **WHY**?
>what is gained by building the unaccountable public authority that now
>where do you see one shred of evidence that these people are 
>interested in doing with ICANN a gosh darn thing other than using it 
>as a lever to increase their financial winnings in a zero sum game??
>read lessig's new book please.....
>he finally mentioned  ICANN in passing toward the end....  but there 
>is no way it could be taken except very indirectly as an attack on 
>what lessig understands with brilliance is the deeply flawed 
>foundation on which ICANN is being built..  in the end he talks of 
>the role of LAW as a persuader and educator rather than as a club to 
>use against an enemy in a zero sum game....
>persuade and reason with us....  tell us in detail why you come to 
>such a conclusion.  I am persuadable....I am educable...if the 
>arguments are there.  but the architects of ICANN incur wrath because 
>they refuse to persuade and educate and instead speak ex-cathedra.
>I wasn't going to respond but decided to just now when an ICANN 
>architect forwarded me you message privately and without comment.
>lessig gets it. The ICANN architects do not.  why is that?
>Educate the rest of us....  please.  the internet is running just 
>fine without ICANN thank you.
>>Ken: I was the one who did not believe in the selection process of ICANN's
>>board and who spoke, whenever I could, for membership and election. But I
>>also recognize that ICANN has to be built. The current board is composed of
>>people whom I respect. It has the support of the government, conditioned on
>>I think that criticism of ICANN is absolutely essential until such time as
>>it will be structured correctly, and that you and many others are crucial
>>to this process. But I have not given up hope and especially would not ask
>>Esther to walk away. The fear, mistrust and disrespect among the various
>>group interests in this area is blatant and clear. Each of the groups must
>>gain legitimacy in the eyes of the other. I believe and hope that the US
>>government will not relinquish control over ICANN until it is satisfied
>>that its current deficiencies will be eliminated or reduced. If the
>>executive does not do so, the Congress or other government agencies will.
>>So, Esther, please stay on.
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