your reply is helpful.....

but as far as being scared by alternatives.....(too).....

  I don't think I follow you here......

i don't see any aternatives to be scared by...except the MORASS that 
lessig bemoans...

the very morass that allows the icanntes to do what they are doing 
and get away with it....

but I imagine that you are talking about the alleged instability of 
an internet wih no icann..... and not the morass?????

>I do not think we disagree. I certainly agree with Larry Lessig, and I did
>read his book. We disagree on the timing. I am willing to be more patient,
>and hope that people like you will continue to demand more accountability.
>I did not conclude that all is lost, so long as I see some progress. The
>alternatives scare me too. So that is where we disagree. Best wishes.
>At 10:18 AM 11/24/99 -0500, you wrote:
> >>Tamar concludes:  But I
> >also recognize that ICANN has to be built.
> >
> >why Tamar.... **WHY**?
> >
> >what is gained by building the unaccountable public authority that now
> >
> >where do you see one shred of evidence that these people are
> >interested in doing with ICANN a gosh darn thing other than using it
> >as a lever to increase their financial winnings in a zero sum game??
> >
> >read lessig's new book please.....
> >
> >he finally mentioned  ICANN in passing toward the end....  but there
> >is no way it could be taken except very indirectly as an attack on
> >
> >what lessig understands with brilliance is the deeply flawed
> >foundation on which ICANN is being built..  in the end he talks of
> >the role of LAW as a persuader and educator rather than as a club to
> >use against an enemy in a zero sum game....
> >
> >persuade and reason with us....  tell us in detail why you come to
> >such a conclusion.  I am persuadable....I am educable...if the
> >arguments are there.  but the architects of ICANN incur wrath because
> >they refuse to persuade and educate and instead speak ex-cathedra.
> >
> >I wasn't going to respond but decided to just now when an ICANN
> >architect forwarded me you message privately and without comment.
> >
> >lessig gets it. The ICANN architects do not.  why is that?
> >
> >Educate the rest of us....  please.  the internet is running just
> >fine without ICANN thank you.
> >
> >
> >

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