CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, Fox carried live coverage.
Once again, cable news beat out broadcast TV.
The scenes took me back 30 years. Activism!
-- ken

>Well, it's 3:30 a.m. EST, and I have seen very
>little coverage of the riots.  It's seems that
>the Pete Rose story is a much higher priority
>topic tonight!
>In other words, I'd say were in the midsts of
>another media blackout.  For those who missed
>the last one, there is a good summary at:
>Consider the situation.  We have a World Trade
>Organization meeting in Seattle, one that has
>delegates arriving from over 130 countries of
>the world, one that has been disrupted by riots
>in Seattle.
>The riots are so bad that police have reportedly
>fired rubber bullets, and used tear gas and pepper
>spray to disperse the thousands of protesters who
>took to the streets on Tuesday.  Riots that were
>so bad that the opening WTO meeting was canceled.
>Riots that were so bad that the mayor of Seattle
>imposed a 7 p.m.-to-dawn curfew, and has called
>out the national guard.
>We practically have marshal law in Seattle, and
>yet, the Network news has done very little to
>cover the fiasco.
>On my cable system, I get all four networks,
>and I get CNN, CNNFN, CNN Headline News, CNBC,
>MSNBC, and Fox News.  After hours of channel
>surfing, I have very little to report.  Other
>than the three minute leader that is run at
>the top of the newscasts, I have seen little
>in depth coverage.
>[Compare this to the recent coverage given to
>the Kennedy search and rescue.  We had non-stop
>coverage on every network for hours and hours,
>with live pictures of the empty ocean, and
>little else to report.]
>The media is obviously hiding this story!
>One blatant example is the current story running
>on MSNBC:
>It's one of the longest I've seen, yet it doesn't
>even mention why so many people are protesting.
>It's like the question WHY doesn't even exist!
>Not only are they hiding it, but they are even
>taking sides.  The one in-depth news report that
>I did see was on MSNBC and featured a spokesperson
>for the White House.  Unfortunately, she
>characterized the protestors as a confused bunch
>of disparate parties who were all protesting a
>disjunctive and contradictory slate of issues.
>Why the bias? -- you ask.
>The truth of the matter is that the riots in
>Seattle, the fight over ICANN, and the media
>blackout given to both topics, are all related.
>The riots in Seattle are about the loss of U.S.
>sovereignty to multinational corporations, just
>like the Domain Name Wars were about the loss of
>the Internet to the same multinational corporations.
>Not possible! -- you say.
>Consider that the media is owned by these same
>multinational corporations:
>"The notion that journalism can regularly produce a product
>that violates the fundamental interests of media owners and
>advertisers ... is absurd."
>    --  Robert McChesney, journalist and author
>Consider that while knowledgeable people recognize
>the bias of the media in the U.S., the vast majority
>of Americans doubt that it is possible:
>"The corporate grip on opinion in the United States is one
>of the wonders of the Western world. No First World country
>has ever managed to eliminate so entirely from its media
>all objectivity - much less dissent. "
>    --  Gore Vidal, novelist and critic
>Consider the implications of this email:
>"Corporations have been enthroned .... An era of corruption
>in high places will follow and the money power will endeavor
>to prolong its reign by working on the prejudices of the
>people... until wealth is aggregated in a few hands ...
>and the Republic is destroyed."
>    --  Abraham Lincoln
>Until next time . . .
>At 09:31 PM 11/30/99 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>the national guard has just landed in seattle.  should be an interesting
>>day tommorrow - a city full of pepper spray, tear gas, tree huggers,
>>labour unions, national guard and of course el presidente clinton.
>>Clintons gonna need more then a cigar tommorrow to pull it off.
>>On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Jeff Williams wrote:
>> > Michael and all,
>> >
>> >   I am watching CNN right now and Seattle has declared a
>> > civil emergency and the trade talks have been shut down
>> > temporarily.  More than 20,000 AFL-CIO staged a rally
>> > at the Seattle stadium protesting the non representation of
>> > Unions in the trade talks.  A curfew will be in effect in
>> > Seattle in two hours from now.
>> >
>> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >
>> > > You wrote:
>> > >
>> > >    >Also, according to NBC news, the
>> > >    >reason everyone is protesting is
>> > >    >over "jobs."  What a crock!
>> > >
>> > > The CBC just broadcast on shortwave radio an interview with an A.F.of
>> L. economist who said that the WTO rules and the WTO judiciary panels are
>> all one-sided because there are no representatives of labor. Sound familiar?
>> > >
>> > > ========================
>> > > Michael Sondow                        ICIIU
>> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
>> > > ========================
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > --
>> > Jeffrey A. Williams
>> > Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
>> > CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
>> > Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
>> > Contact Number:  972-447-1894
>> > Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208
>> >
>Jay Fenello,
>New Media Relations
>  770-392-9480
>"We are creating the most significant new jurisdiction
>we've known since the Louisiana purchase, yet we are
>building it just outside the constitution's review."
>   --  Larry Lessig, Harvard Law School, on ICANN

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