John the Repoman and all,
John, you have aptly captured in your own adept manner the
scam that ICANN has become to anyone that has half a brain,
and exercises it just a tad. >;) Maybe we should hang a label on
it as "ICANN-ISCAM"? Has a ring to it doesn't it? >;)
As for Kent, well the bullshit flowith! Joe B. How about a
.GOD special domain for Kent and Songbird. I know you can come
up with something wholesome! >;) Send me the bill on the registration.
Repoman wrote:
> Patrick Corliss wrote:
> [...]
> > I should rise above that but it's hard not to fall into the trap
> Been there myself unfortunately from time to time. :-(
> > of fighting
> > the battle on the other person's terms.
> Battle? The gradual TM lobby usurpation of the DNS has been conducted in
> a 'closed door' manner as far as I suspect the internet community at large
> and domain holders are concerned. I see little to no battle. Why fight if you
> can
> afford to insure victory by just buying it?
> Judge and jury are financed by trademark holders in the current internet
> arbitration scenario. If enough precendents in favor of TM holders, particularly
> if common language terms like 'songbird' are in place in the UDRPs, then that
> spells good (!$) business and invites establishment of more UDRPs. Ultimately
> (if not already) the consideration of the the position of an arbiter at any UDRP
> will also be based on his/her disposition on TMs I suspect.
> 'Never bite the hand that feeds you'!
> Re Kent: I perceive Kent in this forum by now as a bright and eloquent salesman
> selling something
> (the TM scam) you have to (currently!) buy whether you wish to or not.
> Nonetheless:
> Much like the rare successful sale of a refigerator to an Eskimo, I suspect he:
> a.) enjoys making 'the sale' the reference rather than the practical value of
> the item he sells.
> One Eskimo convinced is a sure fire reference for another Eskimo prospect!
> Kent would sell the 'energy efficiency' of the unit, 'as it does not even need
> to be plugged in to maintain food safety standards.'
> Intelligent Eskimos like you or !Dr.Joe and many others on this list are
> obviously
> bad for business. Roberts would seem to be a much easier sell - especially with
> a fat
> 'factory buyer rebate' easily financing the next ICANN trip to Nepal (?) in
> 2002.
> b.)he seeks ( I'd hate to sell Kent short) 'world domination' of
> the word 'songbird' in the DNS. He may just be sweating his little 'songbird
> whatever' TM right about now. 'Songbird' is about as thin as it get's I'd say in
> TM and DNS.
> Ask any kid on the street what he/she thinks a 'songbird' is.
> Any word in 'Webster' (TM!) certainly has every and no claim on an address in
> the global DNS.
> FCFS! A premise that built the US, Australia and every other country I can think
> of
> off hand that has any global significance today. This concept is as old as
> sperm as a drastic example.
> ('Thank god for the big TMs up at ICANN, but I should at least try to sell an
> Eskimo here and there myself - if anything to convince myself by the endorsement
> of some real Eskimo.' type of rationale on Kent's part? )
> >Of course he still hasn't replied
> >properly to my 17 points.
> There are very few (if any) Eskimos on this list that would jump at the
> opportunity of buying a fridge I've noticed. As Heather already aptly advised:
> 'Don't hold your breath!' He can't reply compellingly to your points here
> (although I wish he would try). Now as before I find Kent a valuable testing
> ground of 'TM pro/con lobby argumentation'.
> Please continue your thought provoking, IMO important and often truly
> interesting
> comments on this list. Most reflect my exact thoughts (verbalized
> very nicely by you Patrick!)
> Regards,
> John
> P.S.: I wonder how much it would cost to mail every domain(s) registrant in the
> world
> a brief opinion questionaire (even by snail mail (argh)- postcard even - no ppd
> return envelope necessary) on major issues under consideration by ICANN to get a
> feel for the sentiments of the net community? More or less than a trip to Berlin
> or Cairo or Santiago...? The internet is akin to a new global community whose
> opinions will be heard and the majority will prevail ultimately - hopefully with
> an 'enlightened'(!!) and globally democratic ICANN at it's helm (my wish with
> noted qualifications) but certainly also 'without', if global issues are not
> addressed fairly.
Jeffrey A. Williams
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