The cloest thing to this was the IFWP consensus calls.

I still have them here in a file folder; the disconnect between them
and what is, is major.

At 02:12 PM 5/18/00 -0700, Greg Skinner wrote:
>John the Repoman wrote: 
>> P.S.: I wonder how much it would cost to mail every domain(s) registrant in
>> the world a brief opinion questionaire (even by snail mail (argh)- postcard
>> even - no ppd return envelope necessary) on major issues under
>> consideration by ICANN to get a feel for the sentiments of the net
>> community? More or less than a trip to Berlin or Cairo or Santiago...?
>> The internet is akin to a new global community whose opinions will be
>> heard and the majority will prevail ultimately - hopefully with
>> an 'enlightened'(!!) and globally democratic ICANN at it's helm (my wish with
>> noted qualifications) but certainly also 'without', if global issues are not
>> addressed fairly.
>I wonder if we'd learn much different from what we already know.
>In the US, over half the population doesn't bother to vote in major
>elections.  (Most domain registrants are in the US.)  And if most of
>them *did* vote, you'd get complaints about how the US is taking over the
>Internet.  There would also be arguments over how you count the votes of
>a corporation vs. those of an individual vs. those of a noncommercial
>organization vs. those of an educational organization vs. ... (you get
>the idea), not to mention why people who don't have domain names aren't
>getting to vote even though they are the end users and have arguably
>equal rights.
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It's about travel on expense accounts to places with good beer. - BKR

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