On 19-9-2013 11:52, Joseph W. Joshua wrote:
> Hello all,

> Currently, my internet comes in through a linksys router, in which I have set 
> up the above rules. However, we would like to introduce a proxy server, and 
> also internet use monitoring and banning of excessive users.

Squid with ldap or ntlm auth works well, block default outbound 80 and
443 so people actually use the proxy server. Find out that Silverlight
does not work with authenticated proxy servers. (Really MS?)

It does stop some malware in it's tracks though.

> I have tried setting up pfSense as follows:
> --el0 as LAN Interfase (
> --el1 as WAN Interface (ISP IP)
> --My laptop pointed to as Router and DNS
> --The pfSense installation has internet access, but my laptop cannot get 
> online.
> What could I be doing wrong?

Make sure that the private networks rule is not active on your WAN.

Am I safe to assume that you are not using the linksys in front of the
pfSense WAN and the public IP terminates on pfSense directly?

Assymetric routing doesn't work, and overlapping subnets does not either.


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