On 10/11/2013 4:58 PM, Jens Kühnel wrote:
> I'm not a FreeBSD expert, but /dev/md's are MemDiscs right?
> Is there a reason why only 60MB (/var) and 40MB(/tmp/) are used?
> and are where are possibilities to change that? It's not in the fstab!

They are that small because ALIX is the usual NanoBSD target and it only
has 256MB of RAM so it's a safe low default. NanoBSD wasn't originally
intended to run on device with gobs of RAM, but times are a-changin' and
before long all of the viable new hardware will have >1GB of RAM.

On 2.1 you can adjust the /var and /tmp sizes under System > Advanced on
the Miscellaneous tab.

It might be possible to auto-scale the sizes with a bit of extra logic
in rc.embedded if someone wants to take a crack at it.

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