>>     On 2.1 you can adjust the /var and /tmp sizes under System >
>>     Advanced on the Miscellaneous tab.
> Right! I had forgot about that.
and would not help because it is needed to be done before (or during)
the upgrade.

> So following the original topic, could one more probably ensure a
> successful upgrade to 2.1 by increasing the size of /var by some amount?
> I have a nanoBSD system with 4G of RAM sitting at 10% usage. If I
> dedicated 3G of that to /var and upgraded, will the RRD bug in question
> still kill my upgrade?
I kust did that. I increated it to 2*100MB and now it is enough for my
upgrade on my virtual machine. I will do the real upgrade tomorrow, with
deletion of the rrd Data before the update and a restore of the rrd-data
after the upgrade with the already converted rrd backup.

> On a related note, does this bug affect upgrades from older 2.1 betas
> and RCs? This system happens to be running 2.1RC0 and I'd very much like
> to upgrade it to 2.1 without going on site if I can avoid it.
I have a identically setup with ony 4 networks and that works without
problem. Only embedded setups with a large number of interface
statistics has this kind of problem.


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