Spamming mailing lists with profanity doesn't help in operating a 'successfully 
business' [sic].

Settle your dispute in private please.

  Original Message  
Sent: 21 February 2017 11:46 a.m.
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Subject: Re: [pfSense] pfsense twitter account making rude comments.

Dear Mr. Thompson.

I have spent the last 5 years or my life committed to creating a better 
blacklist, the very reason I created was to bring a 
better blacklist to the world. Because I saw that shalla and 
urlblacklist were producing garbage. was initially a 
free service for the first couple of years. I made this service 
available for free, countless hours of work. I had no intention of 
creating a paid service and did so only out of necessity. And as a 
private operatory I really do not feel that I need to explain or defend 
wanting to build and operate a successfully business. Nor shall I have 
to explain engaging people discussing blacklists or web filtering on 
social media platforms that you may regard as "scummy".

As to your baseless assertion of theft, dear sir, how low can you get?  
Have you even tested our works, Looked at them? Have you?

No you have not.

Our blacklists are unique, and they are of my own creation, your 
allegation of theft is baseless, insulting, and it is mindless. I doubt 
you have ever looked at, analyzed or used our services, because
if you had, you would know that isnt true at all. Our blacklists are 
COMPLETELY UNIQUE.  Claiming that we "curate" somebody elses works is 

I have created a domain discovery and removal system as a result of 
countless hours of work, and it is that system that I "curate" day in 
and day out, around the clock, at 4am when I need to publish updates, 
when I get emailed removal or addition requests, when we need to push 
urgent malicious updates, and even, when I  get bullshit remarks on twitter.

Your disparaging attitude your remarks are disturbing. But the good news 
is that nobody needs your approval or official support to use our 
blacklists with pfSense, and they are doin so every day. Right now, as I 
write this email, systems across the world are fetching automated 
updates from our webservers.

Yes, I am not angry at you for your comments and poor regard for myself 
and my business, no, I am angry because I care about our users, and 
pfsense users. And I care that a mindless, arrogant, abusive individual 
such as yourself would make baseless, disparaging remarks without even 
having actually tested our works.

Moreover, this is my life, it is my work, and I find your disdain to be 
very unbased at all on any real issues, aside from my own reactions,  
and frankly, that concerns me. And it wouldnt bother me, if it was just 
you. But you are having a negative impact by essentially slandering in front of the entire pfsense userbase.

And that is simply unacceptable, and will not go unchecked.

Expect me.



Benjamin E. Nichols

1-405-397-1360 - Call Anytime.

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