On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 10:49 AM, Travis Hansen <travisghan...@yahoo.com>

> Regardless of this specific issue, I'd prefer the official twitter feed be
> a bit more...focused.
> In any case, thanks for the great project! Travis Hansen
> travisghan...@yahoo.com
>     On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 9:45 AM, Ryan Coleman <
> ryan.cole...@cwis.biz> wrote:
>  > On Feb 21, 2017, at 10:40 AM, Paul Mather <p...@gromit.dlib.vt.edu>
> wrote:
> >
> > On Feb 21, 2017, at 11:30 AM, Ryan Coleman <ryan.cole...@cwis.biz
> <mailto:ryan.cole...@cwis.biz>> wrote:
> >
> >> Not that we are anyone who would know anything about that…
> >
> >
> > The best thing to come out of this ugly spat, for me, is that I went to
> the pfSense Twitter feed to see what all the fuss was about (I'm not on
> Twitter) and discovered that pfSense 2.3.3 has just been released! :-)
> >
> > I'd like to give a hearty THANKS to the pfSense project for another
> great release.
> >
> > It also reminds me I really should get around to subscribing to the
> announce@ mailing list... :-)
> You should. I think he announced it here at 21:33 CT last night, though… :)
> _______________________________________________
I feel like one day, we should all find a place to get together and speak
freely and openly about the things we care about.  Like a vast network of
communication systems/hardware, uncensored (pun intended), that can talk to
each other.

Every list, channel, or whatever I go to now a days...within a few posts
there is always that bright and cheery message:  STAY ON TOPIC.  Because
why could a different topic or cause bring like minded people together to
talk about other things?

Arguments aside, making any conclusions from these posts would be
ridiculous.  It could be the greatest list in the world or the worst.  All
these big words in these emails...too hard to understand.

It's pretty crappy that on one side of the world, the threat of death is
held over someones head because of their spiritual beliefs (atheism,
governmentism, whatever) and to talk about the actions of others and
governments will get you killed (past events, real world coverups), but the
best and brightest here spend time bitching about stuff like this.

I could attack a persons character everyday, that video makes me want to
hit someone in the face really hard, but you know what I am going to do?
What the hell does "foreign" or "made in usa" have to do with any of this?
It just sounds like Ben is angry...but considering all the content that
pops up in my news feed...I do not know what to take seriously.

It could be he just likes to talk a lot.

Lets just all admit that most of the best stuff is made on Earth and that
the lines that divide us suck.  I am sure the person hacking away across
the planet on some ancient hardware, with no internet access, is just as
good as all us folks.

Jim seems like he deserves some respect because of all the hard work that
it seems like he puts in.  No offence, but I have never quantified it.  Ben
wants to defend something that he has spent a lot of time on and its a bit
angry over what Jim said.

I know someone Ben knows, and that guy seems pretty cool and I once wrote
and email to Jim that took at least and hour or two to write and he never

Ben + Video = What the Hell?
Jim + Email = What the Hell?

If I where Ben, and I ran a business, I would want Jim to back up his
claims that I just dupe other lists, and admit to myself that my senseless
attack on his character is meaningless because what the heck really does
Jim know about where I get my links from and what does any of this have to
do with foreign affairs.

That video is like neat and all, but it sounds like your just mad at
someone and blaming a group of people that you do not know anything about.
Is that really what you want people to see when they are thinking about
using your blacklist?

Even if two lists are the same or similar, it could just be the same
collection process so what the heck is Jim talking about?  Did Jim go
through a bunch of different lists and run a statistical analysis?

If I where Jim, I also wouldn't use the phrase "and likely" because it
sounds like a roll of the dice.

And I am sure, that this carefully constructed response will fall on deaf
ears because they are too busy listening to transcripts of twitter posts
and github comments.

Why does everyone top post on this list?
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