Hi Ladislav,

You're system of functions is quite amazing. I'm trying to digest
what you're aiming at, little by little.

I assume you meant:

register 'minus [integer! complex!] [] [
    make complex [
        re: a - b/re
        im: - b/im   ; not im: b/im

I tried to register another combination of types:

register 'minus [complex! complex!][][
    make complex [
        re: a/re - b/re
        im: a/im - b/im

And got this:

>> print mold _minus
make object! [
    type: polymorphic!
    args: [a b]
    signatures: [integer! complex! complex! complex!]
    implementations: [
        func [a [any-type!] b [any-type!] /local][
            make complex [re: a - b/re im:  b/im] ]
        func [a [any-type!] b [any-type!] /local][
            make complex [re: a/re - b/re im: a/im - b/im] ]

Shouldn't the signatures look more like:

         signatures: [[integer! complex!] [complex! complex!]]

? Because when you look for [complex! complex!] in the signatures
(that's what the function MINUS does) this happens:

>> find _minus/signatures [complex! complex!]
== [complex! complex! complex!]

That's going to lead to problems. I think each signature should be
within a nested block, and you should be using FIND/ONLY to look
for it.

I'm also a little puzzled by your latest PIF:

>pif: func [[throw]
>    {
>        polymorphic if
>        lazy evaluation, minimum checking, no default
>        compatible with:
>            computed blocks
>            Return
>            Exit
>            Break
>            non-logic conditions
>    }
>    args [block!]
>] [
>    if not unset? first args: do/next args [
>        either first args [
>            either block? first args: do/next second args [
>                do first args
>            ] [
>                first args
>            ]
>        ] [
>            pif second do/next second args
>        ]
>    ]

>> command: [print]
== [print]
>> pif [
    false do append copy command "hello"
    true do append copy command "goodbye"]

Is this what you intended?

Have a good one,

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