> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 10:39 AM
> Subject: [REBOL] REBOL/View vs. OpenAmulet? Re:(2)

> 2. There was no massive outburst of complaints, as November
> and December went by.

Hi, as I'm doing development myself I know how hard these things are to
predict and that a given date is more like a range... therefore I won't
yell to loud. BTW: I did asked about the state several times but without
any response...

> 3. There was no massive outburst of complaints when Carl
> announced that
> there would be REBOL/View beta beginning in approx. mid Januar. That
> announcement, I believe, was made some time in December or
> early Januar.

I have to say that I was (am) quite irritated over this. What's the
position RT is taking? As JB noted, I don't expect /View to take over the
world in months (maybe I'm wrong) too. Further I'm not related to RT in any
way, so it's their decision what to do and after recognizing this massive
movement to /View and 'loose' on /Core topics, I started to complain (BTW:
I didn't expected such a huge response :-|)

> You couldn't have overlooked, since there were well over
> fifty (I didn't
> count) responses, with people asking to participate in the beta.

Yep, and I didn't participated (yet ;-)). I hoped that Carl would just give
some clarifying 'feel good on all sides' statement. The problem is basing a
big project on a tool which is quite new, yet not very wide spread/known
and under heavy development can be your killer... I want to avoid this
because Rebol looks & feels like the right tool, and it definitely is if it
keeps focused where it (first) belongs to.

> 4. Why do you wait til the time for REBOL/View beta has
> arrived and then
> you start yelling at the top of your lungs that you want a
> REBOL/Command beta instead of REBOL/View?

As said, I asked for some comments several times... further I don't want to
bother anybody by going mad to early ;-). BTW: It seems that there are
quite a lot of people are interested in /Command and as there was no option
to sign in for /Command beta yet I'm not sure which side will have more

> You know Robert, you are playing one product against the other and my
> experience with companies has been that the more customers
> tend to complain and make demands, the more careful and bureaucratic
> the respective companies become.

Nope, I'm not involved in any decisions, I'm a Rebol user and I have to get
my job done. RT has positioned Rebol/Core as a scripting-language (I know
it's more but that's at least the fact known to the world) and without
/Command this language is missing a 'must-have' feature to be taken
serious. Integration of /Command will lead to the
'compelling-reason-to-use-it'. That's what I want to show, I'm highly
interested in Rebol becoming the defacto-standard-scripting-language.

And if you read back, I never have asked for a release date or something
like this, I'm more concerned about the direction RT takes. As I know that
most companies are under-staffed some trade-offs have to be taken, I just
want to provide some information to help RT see where its customers are
(yes, I paid the bucks for Rebol/Core 1.0).

> I'd rather see Carl occassionally be uncareful on this list
> and speak about
> his future plans, and dreams, and intentions and visions and make
> announcements, without having to consult with his business and product
> development advisors, his attorneys and/or PR people, you
> know what I mean.

Of course, companies should follow the release-often-release-early pattern.
Keep your community satisfied, it's even better to let the people get a
feeling for what's going on. I won't pin anybody down to a feature once

> I think we all stand to gain if Carl feels that he can freely
> speak here,

I think he know this, it's his company.

> make announcements, change his mind, and talk with us like
> his friends,

I don't see why this won't be possible.

> not like with a bunch of wining and complaining "I'm end user"
> "I'm customer" type of people.

Beside being a friend, customer and end-user of Rebol I don't think that
someone can shut-off someone else on this list... and I hope it didn't
looks like I wanted this.

> Judging from what I've seen of REBOL so far, IMHO Carl has
> accomplished the
> most exciting development in computer languages for at least
> since the mid eighties.

Yes, Rebol is cool! Never said anything else.

> You know what, I think Carl deserves to enjoy his work.

I'm sure he does.

> Ok, I'm biased, I need REBOL/View for my work, I can't wait
> to start using REBOL/View.

What have you done till today than?

> There was plenty of time to complain about REBOL/Command beta
> in points 1.
> ... 3.
> Now's the time to sit back and enjoy REBOL/View.

If this is your way ok, mine is different. I won't stop contributing in any
way and just sit and wait. Rebolutions are lead to success through people
which care, even if it's a long way to go. Robert

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