I dont care either way.  What I would like to know is if you ever get paid
with that notice at the bottom of your email?



> Hi!
> I'd appreciate the idea of a newsgroup instead of a mailing list.
> This has several advantages:
> * clearer threading
> * easier to search for previous articles
> * no hundreds of mails in the mailbox
> * determining whether or not to read postings at a glance
> What about comp.lang.rebol? Later there could be even
> comp.lang.rebol.misc
> comp.lang.rebol.core
> comp.lang.rebol.view
> comp.lang.rebol.command
> etc.
> Felix Pütsch
> --
> http://puetsch.tsx.org
> UBE/UCE mails to any of my addresses are definitely not allowed. Sending
> such mails to my addresses constitutes an agreement of the sender and/or
> responsible but non cooperating provider to pay me a downloading, pro-
> cessing and archiving fee of US$ 500,00.

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