Don Norman ofrecía una solución a estas continuas quejas. Lo que no cuenta es 
como lograrlo.
Está en inglés, pero creo q merece la pena:

"User testing is not where the action is. The action is with those
people who decide what product to build in the first place. That
isn't the user tester community, but it should be the CHI
community. You know, I'm sick and tired of hearing the CHI
community complain that they're never listened to...

"...the real important decisions are made at the top. Those are the
people who will decide what direction you're moving in, what the
time frame is, what the budget will be, where the emphasis is...
and we need more people from the CHI community to be those be making those decisions which will eventually
empower this profession. Look, this field should not be about
usability; that's a silly thing. This field should be about empowering
users, and that decision is made at the executive level."

- Don Norman, "Organizational Limits to HCI"


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