Paul Collins wrote:

so when clients ask me what to build for I can justify building for IE5 Mac.

Given that IE5/Mac is now officially obsolete, why not group it with other dinosaurs (NN4.x et al) with flaky CSS support and filter your CSS delivery so that browser only receives a stylesheet for nice typographic presentation, but not the full layout? This is what I've started doing...

Generate the CSS for typography, bg colour/s, etc (e.g. basic.css) and a separate file for (e.g.) layout.css. Use the Tantek hack in the call for the second file in the <head> of your (X)HTML file, thus:

<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='all' href='inc/basic.css' /> <style type='text/css' media='screen'>/*\*/@import "inc/layout.css";/**/</style>

and voila, IE5/Mac only recognises the first file.

It saves hours of trial and error trying to get layouts to work in IE5M as they do in compliant browsers, and keeps your layout.css file clear of multiple instances of the Tantek hack. And as a bonus, because of the media attributes, your print styles are taken care of as well...

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