Tony Crockford wrote:
Designer wrote:
No matter which way you look at it, it doesn't make sense.
what doesn't make sense is why you would use a strict doctype for pages that are included in a frameset?
I'm just banging my head against the wall here! The reason I'd use a strict doctype in a frameset is the same reason I'd use one anywhere else. Why one earth anyone should think that a standards approach can be ignored because it's a frameset is just incredible.

if you have to use a doctype for the framed pages, use a transitional one and all will be valid and good...

Yes, I've known that for a long time now.

the whole point of the XHTML strict DTD is:

XHTML 1.0 Strict - Use this when you want really clean structural mark-up, free of any markup associated with layout. Use this together with W3C's Cascading Style Sheet language(CSS) to get the font, color, and layout effects you want.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing. So your point is?

Best Regards,

Bob McClelland

Cornwall (UK)

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