Title: Re: [WSG] CSS resources for Graphic designers?
I’ll have a look at tht. But there’s no way the university would pay to get something done outside when we already have the staff here!

It’s maybe a matter of ‘control’. The GDs are the ones who decide the graphic layout, colours, fonts, heading levels etc. And I don’t think they want to relinquish control over how a site is laid out, so I believe they want to create the styles for that. But of course they won’t see the big, container level picture, or why you should use this style/div and not that one, if you know what I mean.

I can do it – I have been doing it for a year or more. But they want/need to know more about CSS so that they can design sites that work well using CSS rather than heavily graphic-based sites ... For example, any navigation they create always consists of graphic rollover images, using non-standard fonts.  If we try and encourage them towards list-based CSS navigation, they need to see that even if they give up (in some cases) on specifying fonts, they can produce image-based backgrounds for rollovers.

I think it’s partly about developing a different style of graphic design for the web from the old table-based designs we used to use.

- susie

On 14/11/06 11:50 AM, "Nick Lazar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

<We’re having a GD/programmer meeting tomorrow to try and broaden people’s knowledge, and work out a few guidelines about the ‘rubbery line’ between the GD and the Programmer’s CSS responsibility. Does anyone have any experience here, or can point to any resources that might assist? >

A really useful resource, particularly for small companies that may have limited staff numbers, is http://psd2html.com.

These guys do a very good job of converting a PSD file to standards compliant CSS/XHTML. I've used them a couple of times, and have been very pleased with the result.

Susie, I mention this in response to your query, as it may be worth your while getting a couple of jobs done by these people, and then going through the resulting code, as it will certainly show you what you need to be producing from your PSD files.

Hope that helps,



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