Hi Susie: I think I'm in a similar position to you with a website that will be re-designed soon by the "print" designer. She's great and really knows her stuff and understands the web somewhat (probably more than most traditional designers) and I've been thinking of trying to collect a few urls that might help broaden her (and them) out of the fixed layout bit into new, standards compliant design.

I've just collected one at this point, perhaps you're familiar with it, I know a lot of people on this list would be. http://www.westciv.com/style_master/house/index.html I plan on pointing out how the background is fixed, the menu bit in the top right (helps keep the regular menu from being so big and I'm always having to "fight" dropdowns, too, so helps in that). and I'll point out how it shrinks or expands to fit the browser.

If this is the sort of thing you're looking for good, maybe you'll get some more urls (i could use them, too). Either I didn't understand or just about everyone else was not "on point". ;)


Susie Gardner-Brown wrote:

Hi there

Where I work (Qld Uni) we work in a team to develop websites, which usually
consist of an instructional designer, a graphic designer, and a web
developer and/or programmer. The graphic designers do the graphic
design/layout, and the web developers/programmers do the programming,
including CSS.

Up till recently our graphic designers have been used to designing for a
table layout ­ producing a Photoshop file that we then cut up. They have
varying degrees of CSS knowledge, but mostly very little, so they¹re not
really aware of what Œgraphic effects¹ can be created using CSS. Lately
they¹ve been creating an ImageReady layout file and associated stylesheet,
which I find completely unusable!! I always have to start again from

We¹re having a GD/programmer meeting tomorrow to try and broaden people¹s
knowledge, and work out a few guidelines about the Œrubbery line¹ between
the GD and the Programmer¹s CSS responsibility. Does anyone have any
experience here, or can point to any resources that might assist?


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Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
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