Rob Kirton wrote:
I am with Rimintas on this one.  I don't think we'll all agree this.

From where i am sitting a <div> causes a nice logical break as much as <hr> (without needing to use one) and the top / or bottom border can be styled to appear like a horizontal rule if required. <div> constructs are sometimes a lazy mechanism, and In some circumstances I'd probably be more inclined to style a class of <p>. If I wanted to view a page without any styling at all, I wouldn't particularly want to see a break appear across the page; though I do accept the counter argument to this in the un-styled case.

<div class="separate-from-next">
 <p>Blah blah blah</p>
 <p>Blah blah blah</p>
 <p>Blah blah blah</p>
<!-- would-be separator -->
<div class="separate-from-previous">
 <p>Blah blah blah</p>

Something like this, Rob?

The thing is... When you say you don't particularly want to see page breaks if you're viewing a document unstyled... Are there any other breaks you would like to avoid? Perhaps a matter for custom CSS for those elements is more what you're after.


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