liorean wrote:
You needn't necessarily wrap both groupings, if either of them was
weak and the other strong. Also, the separation is at boundaries.
Whether it's :after of :before matters not.

This is the thing - the separator I know makes no such distinction. It is not usually a case of the text above being of a different kind or importance or value than the last. In fact, the element I'm thinking of should be used specifically in cases where such distinctions cannot be made.

In the situation you describe, I would expect something more intrinsic to differentiate the two passages - an indent or a border around one of them, for example. To use a separator and no intrinsic presentational difference from passage to passage would be a mistake, and would remove potential semantic styling.

Well, again, it's fuzzy without the wrappers. You don't know what's
being separated from what, at which hierarchical level. Wrappers only
need to be present when there's some strong distinction, and if there
wasn't a strong distinction, why were you using the separator in the
first place?

This bleeds into what I've said above. Wrappers, as you say, would be better used to impress strong semantic differences in the contained content. But, contrary to what you suggest, I don't believe separators should be used to denote a strong difference in the elements they separate. If there were a strong difference, they would not be styled identically.

Let me suggest a loose definition for the mythic separator (just a stab, but I think it might clear up some of our misunderstandings): "A pause "

2) The simplest, cleanest and most logical way to implement this element
is to have a literal separator tag.

In some cases, yes. I think they're a minority however, because the
main use is typographical.

...Meaning that it is a tradition relating to print? And that this tool no longer applies in hypertext?


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