Barney Carroll wrote:

But at the end of the day, {display: table} is just as ridiculous as div{display:inline} or span{display:block}. Besides, when I made table-based designs I often found myself nesting tables within tables, and I ended up with horribly deep code (a bit like Google ads, only for a reason). With modern CSS we can have table-cells without using table bodies or rows or even tables... It makes life a lot simpler.


One of the (many) things I wish for is a <grid> tag. Something along the lines of the following (made up as I go along, so don't nitpick too much :-)):

        <gridcell>different content</gridcell>

This can then be CSS'd of course, in the normal way.

The important point though, is that the number of cells in a grid should be restricted to an agreed number (4?) AND most importantly, they cannot be nested! This would provide a solution to the often cumbersome markup required to produce equal height columns, It would stop 'nestingitis' and - it would be semantic! It isn't really presentational either, any more than <p> is . . .

(I can dream, can't I? :-))


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