Rattle snakes only rattle when someone is near. Well, isn't that an
interesting motion detector thought.  This isn't beyond affordable
possibilities and the teen drivers might buy em all up before GM can get
enough for the Volt.  My son just bought a camera from Costco, $ 80, for
the back of the SRT 8 which has awful rear visibility.  Folks want them
anyway. This is NOT an E-vehicle unique problem.

Paul F Renneisen
Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

 Hi Everyone,
> I have heard this argument brought up a few times over the last year, and
> have been hearing it made more and more over the last couple of months. It
> seems the 'advocates' are making great headway with the media and getting
> great attention. While I agree that some hybrids and EV's are hard to
> hear,
> I think mandating that cars produce noise is not the right answer. What do
> you guys think? I personally enjoy the silence of driving an EV around.
> The
> driver should be responsible enough to observe his/her surroundings while
> driving.
> http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9874568-7.html?tag=nefd.pulse
> Shawn
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