I use VSeWSS.

I use it for the following reasons.
- It is a Microsoft flagship tool for developing sharepoint solutions in visual 
studio, so it will continue to evolve.
- Generates my manifest, feature and solution files (which I can easily 
customise in WSP view)
- Has a number of templates that I find useful.
        - Custom List based on Custom Content Types
        - WebPart
        - EventReceivers
        - List Definition with .aspx forms
        - Field Control
        - does also have more templates...
- Solution Generator allows you to pull down List Definitions created in the UI
- Has a great documentation with sample code

Yes, there isn't a template for every development scenario e.g Custom Actions, 
but you can add/modify files to cater for these situations.

Here is a nice example of creating a couple of .aspx site pages using VseWSS 1.2

Clayton James

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gavin Barron
Sent: Wednesday, 30 July 2008 3:03 PM
To: listserver@ozMOSS.com
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Developing for MOSS/WSS with VS2008

So, Bill, you'd prefer nothing at all from MS??

There are some limitations and the wspbuilder and stsdev tools are good too. I 
recommend that you try the various tools and find the way YOU like to work, I 
know a couple of people who are using a combinations of these tools to support 
their approaches.

Anyway to answer your questions Paul

> 1.    How do I get my 32-bit development work from the VM to the 64-bit
> staging environment (which I understand is supported)? Am I expected to
> create a solution package for every little modification and then copy it
> across to that box, open it for testing, then deploy via Stsadm, object
> model of Central Admin?

Yeah, although you can package many features into one solution package.

> 2.    Do I even need VS installed on the remote servers? I hardly see the
> point if workflow authoring is not supported.


> 3.    Do I need to deploy my code and assemblies to every web front end
> manually or does this occur automatically when deploying a solution?

Just take the .wsp & setup .bat file.

Edit the setup.bat file to use -immediate in the deploysolution step followed 
by an execadmsvcjobs too ;)

You should ensure that you supply the correct /weburl and /siteurl values for 
your target environment.

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill Williamson
Sent: Wednesday, 30 July 2008 4:31 p.m.
To: listserver@ozmoss.com
Subject: Re: [OzMOSS] RE: Developing for MOSS/WSS with VS2008

IMO the VSE for MOSS are a joke.  I know that I am not alone in this,
but try not to cause too much trouble :)

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 1:30 PM, Paul Noone
> Who would have believed there was no remote API?! And that 64-bit support
> for the Visual Studio 2008 Extensions isn't even in scope?!
> OK…I've setup my 32-bit Windows Server 2003 VM with MOSS (a basic site
> collection), SQL 2005, VS2008 and Extensions 1.2. Great!
> Now I'm able to launch VS2008 and create a new project (SharePoint
> Sequential Workflow) without errors.
> However after much Googling and online reading through other people's posts
> of misery, I still have a couple of questions:
> 1.    How do I get my 32-bit development work from the VM to the 64-bit
> staging environment (which I understand is supported)? Am I expected to
> create a solution package for every little modification and then copy it
> across to that box, open it for testing, then deploy via Stsadm, object
> model of Central Admin?
> 2.    Do I even need VS installed on the remote servers? I hardly see the
> point if workflow authoring is not supported.
> 3.    Do I need to deploy my code and assemblies to every web front end
> manually or does this occur automatically when deploying a solution?
> Apologies if I'm not making any sense or just sounding terribly naïve.
> I'll also look into Hyper-V. Thanks Daniel.
> Regards,
> Paul
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Daniel Brown
> Sent: Wednesday, 30 July 2008 12:20 PM
> To: listserver@ozMOSS.com
> Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Developing for MOSS/WSS with VS2008
> ·         Our server is running on 64-bit architecture. I understand that
> having VS2008 on the same box means you can't deploy solutions. Would it
> make any difference to stick with 32-bit on the dev environment?
> I think for the most part the x86/x64 is not too bad in this case, where
> developing on x86 should work fairly seamlessly. However saying that, I
> haven't developed code for targeted x64.
> ·         Do you develop a VM from scratch and use an empty MOSS
> environment, or is it better to take a snapshot of your live/staging
> environments to try to emulate this as best you can?
> It really depends on what you're doing, for example if your content database
> is 100GB, you properly don't want to be loading that up in a VM, in which
> case I would just use a vanilla MOSS install and go from there.
> A somewhat sideway idea is the use of Windows Server 2008/Hyper-V in the
> laptop, which you could have your XP/Vista machine with office, etc and then
> have your developer VM's, I know a few people who have gone down this path
> and some more who are seriously considering it.
> Daniel Brown – SharePoint MVP
> Adelaide SharePoint User Group
> Website: http://www.aspug.org.au
> Blog: http://www.danielbrown.id.au
> Mobile: 0419-804-099
> ý Please consider your envrionment before printing this email.
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Paul Noone
> Sent: Wednesday, 30 July 2008 8:28 AM
> To: listserver@ozMOSS.com
> Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Developing for MOSS/WSS with VS2008
> Thanks again Rebecca, and Kirk.
> That's pretty much the conclusion I've come to.
> A couple of quick questions before we close this baby:
> ·         Our server is running on 64-bit architecture. I understand that
> having VS2008 on the same box means you can't deploy solutions. Would it
> make any difference to stick with 32-bit on the dev environment?
> ·         Do you develop a VM from scratch and use an empty MOSS
> environment, or is it better to take a snapshot of your live/staging
> environments to try to emulate this as best you can?
> Apologies again for the newbie questions.
> Regards,
> Paul
> Online Developer, ICT
> CEO Sydney
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Rebecca Thornton
> Sent: Wednesday, 30 July 2008 12:50 AM
> To: listserver@ozmoss.com
> Subject: Re: [OzMOSS] RE: Developing for MOSS/WSS with VS2008
> It's simple enough to upgrade the WSS installation on the Microsoft VM to a
> MOSS one; I had to do it yesterday.  I haven't tried upgrading the Visual
> Studio to 2008, but I'd be surprised if that was a problem either.
> On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 1:37 AM, Paul Noone
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Caroline.
> I really need the MOSS facility though and would prefer not to revert my
> current VS version.
> I don't suppose it could be as simple as copying across the
> microsoft.sharepoint.* and microsoft.office.* DLLs to my local box, then
> adding a reference to them in VS? This wouldn't solve the issue of not being
> able to debug but I may at least be able to see the Microsoft.SharePoint
> assembly represented in the Code Editor.
> Just a thought.
> Regards,
> Paul
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Caroline Specker (AU)
> Sent: Tuesday, 29 July 2008 3:26 PM
> To: listserver@ozMOSS.com
> Subject: [OzMOSS] RE: Developing for MOSS/WSS with VS2008
> There is a downloadable WSS 3.0 dev environment VM here:
> http://www.microsoft.com/Downloads/details.aspx?familyid=1BEEAC6F-2EA1-4769-9948-74A74BD604FA&displaylang=en.
> Note:  it is WSS not MOSS
>  It has Visual Studio 2005, not 2008 on it.
> This may be a good starting point for you.
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Paul Noone
> Sent: Tuesday, 29 July 2008 3:17 PM
> To: listserver@ozMOSS.com
> Subject: [OzMOSS] Developing for MOSS/WSS with VS2008
> Hi all,
> I have yet another potentially embarrassing question.
> I've recently installed VS2008 on my local XP machine as a precursor to
> getting my hands dirty with some custom workflow activities and looking at
> what the VSeWSS 1.2 tools can do. And, well, ahem…it appears that remote
> connection to a MOSS server are not sufficient for the task.
> Short of wiping my current box, installing Windows Server 2003, MOSS2007 and
> WSS3, I'd prefer to explore other possible solutions.
> What are other people doing for local dev? And if the resounding response is
> a VM, would someone mind outlining the requirements for one?
> And one more silly question (while I'm on a roll), can you wrap up SPD
> developed workflows with the SSG and: a) redevelop them in VS, b) deploy
> them to other sites and collections?
> As ever, all replies are gratefully received.
> Kind regards,
> Paul Noone
> Online Developer, ICT
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