On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's flawed logic.

no, it isn't.

>  Let's assume we do compensate folks for ideas. Firstly how does one 
> differentiate the idea from the
> actual usage. In that should we just cut a blank cheque per idea? - what's 
> the expected amount to be
> paid and does personsA idea get more than personsB idea? More to the point 
> how do we further know
> whether or not personA was inspired by personB's idea (they should get 
> compensation). Let's impose a
> tax & patent system on potential ideas.

that's not our problem; it's yours.

if you can't figure out a solution reward a charity.

your whole email here is totally disingenious.

> Then once the potential becomes reality, in that the ideas are put into the 
> runtime and introduced into
> the worlds install base. Do we then carve out an amount for our time in 
> marketing and development? (as
> those engineers in Redmond etc don't work for free) Should we then impose a 
> tax per usage on all
> developers in its use - more to the point, how does one gauge which parts are 
> being used and which
> ones aren't as with a large number of features already in place, doesn't mean 
> that everyone's used 100%
> of them. Oh also we should really have this on a context based compensation 
> position, as who's to say
> FeatureX didn't lead to the use of FeatureY and so shouldn't the owners of 
> that feature also be
> compensated?

again, not my problem. you're the company that is soliciting ideas. it
should be appropriate to have a ranking structure, etc. how that works
is up to you [make it public]. [unless you are also asking me how
_that_ should work; which is pretty ironic].

> Now comes the scary part, once this precedent is put in place, than what's to 
> say other companies -
> our competitors - don't fall victim to this model. Next thing you know, 
> innovation is starved, software
> industry spirals down to a 2008 "good old days" and ideas are bided against 
> on eBay - but then how
> does one really articulate they have the "killer idea"... is it a case of "I 
> have a killer idea, bidding starts at
> 20,000 USD - will tell you once you win bid".

ideas are worth money.

>  Silky, you appear to think you have the angles all figured out but in 
> reality you're not informed.

eh? getting personal?

> The Evangelists for example are effectively a workforce self-funded so that 
> you - are kept informed via
> our events, presentations or indirectly via MVP's etc that we work closely 
> with. If you wanted to
> breakdown what part of the Sales vs. Marketing component Evangelism falls 
> under, it's in fact marketing
> (just like all Evangelists in all companies worldwide). The idea also behind 
> Evangelists are to ensure the
> customer and business are connected, and that's why Evangelists work closely 
> with
> partners/community.

i know that.

> Frank Arrigo is a prime example of this, try and figure out how he made 
> Microsoft millions by connecting
> people who suddenly got unemployed to employers, all so they could keep 
> working on what they loved
> and chose to do as a career.

i can't make sense of this statement; but it seems like you are saying
that you don't know how microsoft even profits? [i.e. msdn licenses is
one component].

>  We aren't a company focused on nickel and diming everyone we see and always 
> looking for a quick
> buck.


> As that's sure, a short term win but in the end long-term loss (buyers 
> remorse happens fast). It's simply
> a case of build a platform & tools, put our best ideas and technology first, 
> pause, take customer
> feedback and look at ways to meet their next wave of expectations (Rinse, 
> Lather & repeat).

uh huh.

>  So...
>  Anyone else with some ideas around Silverlight 3 and what THEY would LIKE to 
> see in it :), my inbox is
> always open.

except criticism. no critiquing allowed.


There's not a problem I can't fix, because I can do it in the mix.

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