Silverlight 3.0 - hm ... this seems so far away right now :), but anyway
here is my list:

1. We have seen Silverlight2 being more like WPF now, but there is a lot
more to be done in this direction. I want to be able to write on Silverlight
"*rich enough*" apps so it makes sense to re-use the code in WPF. If I have
to say a single thing for the 3.0 version - this is it. Just bring the
powerfull WPF concepts in Silverlight :)

2. RichText/Html support - we really need this, so the sooner we have it -
better. You can not build RIA without rich text support, right? :)

3. +1 on offline support.


Valentin Stoychev

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 9:55 AM, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  Ahh ok. Yes, the out of browser experience does play a role here (almost
> sounds like an out of body experience). What we mean by Windows + WPF is
> simply that when you look at Adobe AIR depth isn't it's strong point and you
> won't read that in the brochure. To allow folks access to an operating
> system in a much deeper capacity means that trust is somewhat sacrificed and
> it's something that we balance quite carefully (obviously). To break out of
> the security context of the browser is bad, as then it takes on a whole new
> meaning of the words "I dare you to make Silverlight a Trojan virus". I
> suspect that's why Adobe AIR was spun up away from Flash Player – as even
> Flash right now is facing some security issues  (
> – in that being popular and
> secure is hard work).
> To consider a x-platform mutation of Silverlight/WPF is different
> discussion and one that has both pro's and con's associated to it. What I
> can say is that providing deep access via Silverlight to the metal isn't
> likely to occur anytime soon. WPF however obviously has this capability –
> today - and well it's installed on more machines right now than Adobe AIR
> (Vista on OSX included – so it's semi-X-platform heh).
> Windows XP is being depreciated and Windows Vista + Future Operating
> Systems will eventually take its place and that's something to consider
> long-term.
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Craig Dunn
> *Sent:* Monday, 31 March 2008 4:30 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [OzSilverlight] Silverlight 3.0 wishlist, now's your
> chance.
> Seems to me that AIR is really just Adobe grabbing an open-source browser,
> compiling with Flash and producing a host that can run directly on the OS...
> just add your custom code and call it an "application".
> So basically I'm describing a Silverlight 'runtime' standalone/deployable
> (ie .EXE or .APP, depending on your platform :) to produce a branded,
> out-of-browser experience -- the main advantage (?) being offline use... I
> believe Moonlight already does something of the sort - and i a;sp understand
> it's non-trivial to create a 'host' for every platform. You don't "need" the
> browser (although it makes sense for Adobe, because they can claim to
> 'leverage your existing javascript & html skills') - just some sort of
> loader/host with direct i/o & networking. maybe it starts to look too much
> like J4va? or... WPF "everywhere" (lol)
> To put it in context - the
> and it's commercial NY Times/Seattle Intelligencer counterparts are WPF
> _applications_ - very cool (i quite like the experience) but beyond a Mac
> deployment, for example.
> With the increasing power of the controls in SL2 (+3), an offline reader
> of that sort that could run on Mac (and s60/iPhone, while we're at it) in
> Silverlight. Other apps might make sense too - but you (MS) may say "that's
> what Windows is for"...
> cd
> On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 5:01 PM, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> Craig,
> Great list! Question, you mentioned AIR / Outside browser activation.
> Could you expand on this?
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Craig Dunn
> *Sent:* Monday, 31 March 2008 3:19 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [OzSilverlight] Silverlight 3.0 wishlist, now's your
> chance.
> In the interests of lifting the signal-to-noise ratio (at the very least
> starting a flamewar on something relevant), my thoughts on SL3 (just OTTOMH,
> OK?):
> * SQL engine in the isolated storage (ala Gears). OK with Linq and
> serialization there is probably an equivalent amount of querying/storage
> functionality, but just maybe this would still be useful? Even as i type it,
> it sounds less interesting...
> * Geography CLR types from Katmai. Mapping and location-based apps are
> only going to get more common - and the Katmai types are pretty functional
> even on their own (ie without SQL08 'behind them'). Assuming a SL2
> VirtualEarth 'control' appears (and even if it doesn't), being able to
> perform geo stuff might be useful on the client. While you're at it -
> decouple them from Katmai altogether and put in the regular framework. Linq
> to LatLong...?
> * Photosynth (and 3D engine)... OK, I reckon it'll be there anyway, but
> worth a mention. AFAICT taking DeepZoom to the "next level" will require
> some sort of 3D engine to layout the MultiScaleImages that make up a
> Photosynth scene in 3D space anyway. 3D plus the Geography stuff would
> enable a cool 'silverlightearth' viewer...
> * Higher level controls (either from MS or 3rd parties in SL2)... bitmap
> image manipulation, Xaml editor host (ie abstract object-based-drawing
> control), advanced TextBox. See,,
> for the sorts of Flash apps that would be cool to enable in SL3.
> Extend the controlset to toolbars, provide 'windowing' of property sheets,
> pinnable 'windows', etc inside the SL control/canvas. A 'window' control may
> sound counter-intuitive, but then why write the
> docking/pinning/hiding/minimizing/tabbing over & over. We're already using
> SL1 for an cut-down-enterprise-like app...
> * Outside of browser activation - just because AIR does. Input handling
> would need to trap mouse-wheel; how about multitouch (Silverlight on
> Surface? iPhone?)
> * SL2/3 on mobile... i'm sure that's coming anyway too. Are there any
> plans for special UI handling on phones - trapping the softkeys differently
> on small-screen nokias for eg.? Are the built-in controls 'screen size
> aware' (like the old mobile controls... not that i think that's
> necessarily a good idea, but would save us work if the calendar control
> behaved differently on Vista versus s60, for eg.).
> * file format handlers (like the vista preview handlers) - show me PDF,
> OOXML, XPS, etc read-only but searchable/selectable (if the underlying doc
> security allows)... handle _files_ as well as it does _media_.
> * i've seen discussion of an up/downsizer where you deploy a common Xaml
> 'app' to WPF/Silverlight... not sure how realistic that is - but Acropolis
> and Entity Framework (and MVC?) seem like a good basis for separating
> presentation from logic enough to accomplish it...
> There's probably plenty of DLR ideas around too - haven't had a chance to
> play with that. I would have said unit testing & more 'software engineering'
> infrastructure if i didn't recently see the tests, etc for the controls
> being made available. _that_ is cool.
> 2c worth ;-)
> cd
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