Got a question bothering me a little bit Silky about compensations for ideas 
and let me tell you I have very unique approaches regarding ideas and making 

Let's say you download the Silverlight SDK (free) and then you build a system, 
sell it and make money. How are YOU "compensating" the good old Redmond 
developers, the community which provided the ideas, the testers, the 
evangelists? In fact how are you compensating anyone, what are you spending 
beside time? Taking it one step further, in that scenario, where did MS 
actually make money considering the users might be mac users all together?

I am sorry silky, I don't know you personally, but if the world followed your 
scheme of compensations we would still be watching that green turtle do 
graphics (if you have been around long enough) because we wouldn't be able to 
afford windows 1.0.

Omar Besiso

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of silky
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: [OzSilverlight] Silverlight 3.0 wishlist, now's your chance.

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 3:22 PM, Jose Fajardo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wow Silky you sound like your angry at the world, did you have a bad weekend? 
> :)

oh ffs, it is not that at all; why is it wrong to want compensation
for providing ideas? sounds like everyone here seriously undervalues
their own ideas. i personally don't.

>  Silky ! I have the deepest respect for the MS evangelists, despite what you 
> may think they are on our
> side. True they want us to use MS products, but they also want us to use it 
> on our terms! Hence
> requesting feedback on how we would want to use their product.
>  As for the Nick's request to get rid of Blend and roll it into VS2008.. 
> PLEASE GOD NO, we can't do
> that to designers!!! VS2008 just needs more tweaking!
>  ps. I freely contribute ideas because I want to see Silverlight move in a 
> designer friendly direction. I don't
>  need monitization for that!

right and that's cool; but as i said, why doesn't ms then provide the
income they get from your ideas to a charity.

[the problem with this is, of course, that it's 'hard' to calculate
the actual revenue ideas generate; but i would be surprised if
companies don't already attempt this sort of tracking, and anyway, if
they are serious about caring they would try.].

all i know, is if i was a company i wouldn't solicit ideas in this
fashion; i would provide incentives. it seems like the appropriate
thing to do. and if you can't do that, then at _least_ be honest, and
don't hide behind 'help us help you'.

>  Jose


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