also the ability to play .swf files in the MediaElement would be really cool

On 4/4/08, .net noobie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> yes, but you cannot use it everywhere
> On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 10:55 PM, Jonathan Parker <
> >
> >    - the ability to use % values for heights and widths would be nice
> >
> > You mean the star (*) syntax? It is supported by the Grid.
> >
> > I.e.
> >
> >
> >
> > <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White" >
> >
> >                                 <Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
> >
> >                                                 <ColumnDefinition
> > Width="0.5*"/>
> >
> >                                                 <ColumnDefinition
> > Width="0.5*"/>
> >
> >                                 </Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
> >
> >                                 <Grid.RowDefinitions>
> >
> >                                                 <RowDefinition
> > Height="0.5*"/>
> >
> >                                                 <RowDefinition
> > Height="0.5*"/>
> >
> >                                 </Grid.RowDefinitions>
> >
> >
> >
> > Just divide by 100!
> >
> >
> >
> > Some other things:
> >
> >
> >
> > Virtical support for the grid splitter.
> >
> > A wrap panel.
> >
> > Incremental search in Blend and VS. Long overdue.
> >
> > Horizontal split of Design/XAML in Blend to support dual-monitor setup.
> >
> > Multimonitor support. i.e be able to expand a video control inside a SL
> > app. to fit the monitor it is on not both monitors.
> >
> >
> >
> > Jonathan
> >
> >
> >
> > *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *.net noobie
> > *Sent:* Thursday, 3 April 2008 1:15 PM
> > *To:*
> > *Subject:* Re: OT: Silky vs Microsoft was RE: [OzSilverlight]
> > Silverlight 3.0 wishlist, now's your chance.
> >
> >
> >
> >    - the ability to use % values for heights and widths would be nice
> >    - proper UIElement Property Binding like in WPF & better support
> >    for it in Blend
> >    - Support for the designer in VS2008 so so you can drop and drag
> >    controls on to the design surface
> >    - alot better support for debugging, it is currently a potential
> >    nightmare if you have not played with silverlight for a while
> >    - decent combobox control, and more controls in general, the
> >    current ones are pretty cool, but more is better :)
> >    - ability to update the "VisualRoot" control would be good
> >    - more and better documentation, with more and better code samples
> >    for both C# and *VB* plus xaml
> >    - new section in the silverlight forums for silverlight 2.0, and
> >    3.0 etc... currently it is a real drag to have to weed out all the
> >    silverlight 1.0 & 1.1 posts when your looking for a Silverlight 2.0 Beta 
> > 1
> >    answer
> >    - more Video demos, and some more complex ones
> >
> > But from playing with silverlight 2.0 Beta 1, it is a really cool
> > product and getting better :)
> >
> > On 4/3/08, *Jonathan Parker* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > My list:
> >
> > 1. Better clipboard support. I don't get why you can't just copy/paste
> > to/from the clipboard in SL when this is allowed with HTML/Javascript.
> > I would expect that SL would have a superset of the features of HTML and
> > not
> > be more limited in security. I can understand that SL shouldn't be
> > allowed
> > direct access
> > to the clipboard by default but that doesn't mean that you can't make a
> > textblock selectable and have a context menu so you can copy the text.
> >
> > 2. Right and middle mouse click events on controls and context menu
> > control.
> >
> > 3. Rich text is a tricky one as when it comes to copy/paste to/from the
> > clipboard problems arise. If you can solve this x-platform that would be
> > something awsome.
> >
> > 4. Make unit testing easy to automate without a browser (if not already
> > possible).
> >
> > 5. I don't know exactly how the deployment of the SDK bits works at the
> > moment but it would be good if they only needed to be downloaded once
> > for
> > each client
> > instead of once for each client per each app. that references them. This
> > would mean that the SDK would be kind of like an optional service pack.
> > Those who don't want the
> > big foot print can leave it out by not referencing it and those that
> > need it
> > can reference it and it will be pulled from the MS server the first time
> > only.
> > The SDK could still be open source/codeplex and any changes that people
> > want
> > to make they can reference as their own DLL instead of the one provided
> > by
> > MS.
> > This would also allow more flexibility in the control of upgrades to the
> > SDK. You could choose to either wait for the MS upgrade or control the
> > upgrade yourself if you're using your own copy.
> >
> > This would create more vesion issues than normal but SL devs. are
> > smarter
> > than plain old .NET devs. right? ;) We can handle it!
> >
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > > On Behalf Of Scott Barnes
> > > Sent: Tuesday, 1 April 2008 12:11 PM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: RE: OT: Silky vs Microsoft was RE: [OzSilverlight]
> > Silverlight
> > 3.0 wishlist,
> > > now's your chance.
> > >
> > > *sigh* :) This one's going to be a long one, so bare with me.
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > > 1) Silky is just vocal and yeah he may go against the grain, but in
> > the
> > end he is a
> > > customer of Microsoft and whether I agree or disagree with his views,
> > I'll
> > still give
> > > him the time/day to voice them.
> > >
> > > As for the snowflake comment. We are in what, year 2? And already we
> > are
> > > exceeding our critics expectations and more over, our competitors. The
> > story with
> > > Silverlight will continue to get better as we aren't being reactive,
> > we
> > are keeping
> > > calm and pushing forward with what we think is a good bet. Our
> > competitor
> > has
> > > been reactive and are busy fighting fires on many fronts, and all the
> > power to
> > > them. As from growing ground swell from 0 to where we are today, that
> > has
> > been
> > > an enormous effort undertaken and lists like this are a testament to
> > this.
> > The
> > > community and technology is growing, but we aren't just building a
> > runtime
> > - we
> > > are building a UX Platform all with interconnecting pieces (Tools,
> > Services,
> > > Communities etc) and there is no "instant deploy" button (wish there
> > was).
> > >
> > > 2) I need to pick my wording more carefully around you :) - It's not
> > that
> > "I don't get
> > > it" I disagree with it. There is millions upon millions of .NET
> > friendly
> > folks from
> > > around the world who are keen to explore/adopt the new Sivlerlight
> > ecosystem as
> > > well as many thousands of folks whom are also keen to use both Flash
> > and
> > > Silverlight. Right now, it's much easier conversation to work with the
> > folks whom
> > > understand Microsoft tools & culture - or have invested in Microsoft
> > technology
> > > already - than it is to worry about convincing the folks loyal to the
> > Adobe brand that
> > > we have just as strong offering. Doesn't mean we won't spend our
> > energy
> > and time
> > > doing so, just that our existing customers are just as important as
> > new
> > customers.
> > > That's the simplicity of it all, grow but don't lose sight of the
> > customers that gave
> > > you success in the first place.
> > >
> > > The overarching message is that this is not a zero sum game, you can
> > use
> > BOTH.
> > > If you don't like Silverlight or you think based on your own
> > investment,
> > skill set and
> > > resources made available that Flex is a better solution - then choose
> > Flex. I'd
> > > rather you pick a solution that best suits your skills, budget and
> > long
> > term plans
> > > then one that is a forced fit. As this is a short term win, massive
> > long-term loss.
> > >
> > > To put it in perspective, Barry you're in the top 1% of the Adobe
> > developer pyramid,
> > > in that you have skills that have been nurtured and cultivated because
> > you've
> > > spent time with the right people over the years (I know as I was also
> > there
> > > alongside you). The trick isn't so much "why did company xyz choose
> > Flex",
> > I
> > > suspect you influenced the discussion or will influence it, but the
> > real
> > hurdle you
> > > will face is simple, finding another Barry as you don't scale. How
> > many
> > > ActionScript 3.0 developers exist in Brisbane? How many .NET
> > developers
> > exist in
> > > Brisbane? This is where we see our difference, in that we aren't
> > focused
> > just on
> > > the runtime, we are also focused on ensuring there is a vibrant
> > ecosystem.
> > > Silverlight's coming from behind, that's ok.. we'll get there
> > eventually,
> > especially
> > > when we have partners like Readify whom are teaching troops in
> > multiple
> > cities as
> > > well as whom foster this list.
> > >
> > > Flash has a lot of pro's and con's associated to it, you know I know
> > them
> > much
> > > better than most and if I weren't a Microsoft employee, I'd unload a
> > blog
> > post or two
> > > on what these are and where they sit. The fact is, I'm a blue badge
> > and
> > have to
> > > watch what I say and when - especially being a Product Manager now.
> > I'd
> > love to
> > > get knee deep into a compete debate, but it creates to much
> > controversy
> > and folks
> > > at times simply see it as "Microsoft vs Adobe" (not to mention Adobe
> > staffers just
> > > got nuts at it) and it detracts away from the intent to air the
> > > concerns/misinformation associated to the technology.
> > >
> > > I will say this however, the experiences aren't always the same and we
> > also have a
> > > platform agnostic approach. Silverlight IS x-platform and will
> > continue to
> > grow
> > > beyond the operating systems and into other areas (i.e. devices etc).
> > Our
> > intent is
> > > to not just be platform agnostic but also provide developers the
> > ability
> > to actually
> > > write once and deploy to many (do I need to remind you of the actual
> > workflow in
> > > design to develop with Adobe technology). Flash, Flex, Flash Lite, AIR
> > etc
> > all don't
> > > offer this. It's still a fragmented conversation and even with Breeze
> > /
> > aka Adobe
> > > Connect it's still skewed. Our tools like Visual Studio 2008, will
> > enable
> > this to
> > > happen alongside Expression Studio, if it doesn't .. tell us as I
> > guarantee you there
> > > are many ears keen to cover off blind spots we may have.
> > >
> > > 3) Why would we? Flex Framework maybe open source, but the runtime
> > isn't,
> > and
> > > so given our intent to fix the entire UX story around Microsoft
> > technology, we are
> > > now building a platform to suite. In doing so, hitching our carriage
> > behind a
> > > runtime that we have no control over or influence is simply too
> > dangerous
> > (both for
> > > us and our customers). Given Adobe/Macromedia mistakes of the past, we
> > in
> > turn
> > > are held hostage to the runtime's future evolution which in turn means
> > our
> > > customers are as well. It doesn't stop with the runtime either, the
> > actual
> > SWF itself
> > > is owned by Adobe and they also decide its fate / future. Given the
> > Software +
> > > Service strategy we have painted for our future, it just doesn't fit.
> > We
> > are committed
> > > to interoperability and with formats like OOXML & XAML it's clear we
> > mean
> > it.
> > > Some will disagree, that's fine, but we will push on head just the
> > same as
> > in the
> > > end these are ways to ensure that folks don't end up with past
> > mistakes,
> > like
> > > having binary .doc files that take a lot of effort to deserialize.
> > Today,
> > you get a docx
> > > file which is a zip file that can be leveraged by anyone - even Adobe
> > are
> > using
> > > docx with their acquired product - Buzzword.
> > >
> > > That's what makes us different, we are committed to interoperability
> > and
> > Adobe
> > > isn't. Adobe are welcome to use our technology and the bulk of their
> > sales
> > come
> > > from customers using Microsoft products, it's nice to on one hand
> > denounce
> > us
> > > while at the same time use us. We are annoyed yet delighted and that's
> > the
> > beauty
> > > of Microsoft, we have many faces to our products/services and don't
> > buy
> > into the
> > > "Us or Them" arguments.
> > >
> > > In the end Barry, this is a much bigger Petri dish and the Adobe
> > community
> > are
> > > measured in thousands. Microsoft community is measured in millions,
> > it's
> > the raw
> > > facts and it's not because we tricked the world into buying our
> > products
> > year after
> > > year. We do a lot of good along with our customers who exceed our
> > expectations
> > > year after year. It's simply because we approach things with long term
> > vision and
> > > never with a short term focus. If we make mistakes, we regroup, fix
> > and
> > get a
> > > release out the door as fast as humanly possible while keeping quality
> > assurance
> > > as close to perfect as we can. You win some battles, and you lose some
> > but
> > you
> > > keep moving forward.
> > >
> > > Adobe and Microsoft will eventually go separate paths in this
> > Silverlight
> > vs. Flash
> > > debate. You saw hints of this at MIX08 where we went out of our way to
> > show
> > > what you can't do with Flash. We will have a set of features that have
> > "Me
> > to"
> > > associated to it, but we're more excited about innovation and putting
> > things right in
> > > this space, as that's where the true fun begins. 3D inside Flash is
> > over-rated, as in
> > > the end only a handful understand how to use it and those that do,
> > aren't
> > doing
> > > much with it. Outsmart is probably the only company worldwide that has
> > done
> > > something significant with 3D but could a mining company use Fake 3D
> > to
> > > explode schematic diagrams for parts ordering? - nope. Let's talk
> > about
> > real 3D
> > > instead?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > On Behalf Of Barry Beattie
> > > Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 6:43 AM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Re: OT: Silky vs Microsoft was RE: [OzSilverlight]
> > Silverlight
> > 3.0 wishlist,
> > > now's your chance.
> > >
> > > ya poor bugga' Scott - you've really got your work cut out for you...
> > >
> > > 1) it's a shame that all the nice Silverlight folks on this list (yeah
> > > I've been lurking since it started) will have their passion undermined
> > > by short-sighted tossers like Silky.
> > >
> > > Sadly, while the numbers are small, there's still too many "Silky's"
> > > in the MS sphere with a blood-sucking mentality: too interested in get
> > > rich quick instead of growing the pie. These Silverlight ppl here get
> > > it - elsewhere most don't.
> > >
> > > (present company excepted) too busy to sell you controls instead of
> > > getting off collective backsides and just making it happen - many
> > > hands make light work of the sourcecode:
> > >  (**see below)
> > >
> > > I'm starting to think you haven't got a snowflakes chance in hell at
> > > the moment in trying to establish the same sort of web 2.0
> > > collaboration and groundswell that Patrick and Downey and Stewart are
> > > tapping into - don't get me wrong, those guys are no angels nor
> > > towering intellects - but I am saying core ethos just isn't there in
> > > the same way as the ground-troups evangelism that sourounds Flex and
> > > AIR.
> > >
> > > I can say this coming from MS land - from VB5, VB6, ASP (classic),
> > > I offered to help turn this around - strengths and
> > > weaknesses from both camps, as you know, but time marches on and I
> > > gotta get back to the core and move on - the situation demands it.
> > > Good luck, man, you're gonna need it.
> > >
> > > 2) Silverlight features: you and I have been having the same argument
> > > for a year now, and I swear you still don't get it. you keep going on
> > > about there being more .NET developers where Silverlight can offer the
> > > part of the technology stack that Flash/Flex does while keeping it all
> > > inhouse. and I say "so what"
> > >
> > > a f'r'instance: the place I'm working at right now (yeah, I've moved)
> > > I'm developing a prototype for an app that will eventually be done in
> > > Flex. Not Silverlight.
> > > Why not? Apart from Silverlight not being ready for prime-time (for
> > > what they want), the answer is in the "bitmap manipulation" suggestion
> > > in the other thread. As soon as you make "some Silverlight runtimes
> > > are more equal than others" compromise, you're lost. It's not just
> > > pulling out the guts of the CLR for Silverlight - it's about making it
> > > _platform_agnostic_. Their supported SOE is Windows/IE and yet it
> > > makes more sense to go down a SWF path - not because of the fear of
> > > introducing the first Mac into the organisation, but to start tapping
> > > into the mobile space which they are now having to play catch-up on.
> > >
> > > with that little 1.something Mb runtime I can tap into everything from
> > > client-side PDF generation, through rich apps to powerful
> > > datavisualisations to Breeze videoconferencing/collaboration and on to
> > > 3D rich interfaces. And it's not just the fact the Flash runtime is
> > > everywhere - it's the assurance that the experiance will be identical
> > > no matter where I am or what machine I'm using. *THIS* is the choice
> > > I keep haranging you with.
> > >
> > > 3) an off-the-wall thought: (an analogy) some of the smartest
> > > (Cricket) batsmen - when facing stupidly quick fast bowlers - use the
> > > speed of the delivery to angle a shot for a cheap boundry - provide a
> > > "value-add" to the momentum created by the bowler at little cost to
> > > themselves... a la Sir Don Bradman.
> > > ... so ...
> > > ... for the life of me I can't work out why MS isn't using Adobe's
> > > pace attack. There is (or soon will be) enough open-source/published
> > > bits of the Flash/Flex runtime and libraries for MS to create their
> > > own version of controls and server products leveraging on to the Flash
> > > runtime. If you look at one way, Adobe are already leveraging off the
> > > Windows  platform. Why not MS leverage off an Adobe one? Beat them at
> > > their own game providing better controls and development environment
> > > to run on a ubiquitous platform. Borland (Delphi) was doing the same
> > > leveraging off the Win32 runtime - It's nothing new.
> > >
> > > Will it sell more Windows licences? Man, that's a stale argument
> > > growing colder. The soutions are winning, not the platforms.
> > >
> > > best of luck in Redmond. call me for a beer before you leave.
> > >
> > > cheers
> > > barry.b
> > > analyist/programmer
> > > teacher/educational analyist
> > > Adobe User Group Manager - Brisbane (mutimedia tools)
> > >
> > > PS:
> > >
> > > "as i took 3 steps back financially to move from Australia to US to
> > > become a Product Manager for the Silverlight/WPF space."
> > >
> > > FWIW: While Scott and family won't starve, what he says is true. But
> > > then again, for Scott it's never been about the money - he's a pretty
> > > passionate guy where integrety is part of his ethos.
> > >
> > > b: over and out
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > **
> >
> >
> > ml#
> > > or perhaps (model-view-controller code generator)
> > >
> >
> >
> > e-
> > > code/
> > > these are just a couple of (very) recent community projects I keep
> > > tabs on/help out with.
> > >
> > >
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> > .net noobie™
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