Recently in Norfolk a neighbor got salt water in his fresh water and then
overflow from the radiator cap.

Turned out to be a rust-blocked water nozzle in the exhaust elbow bulding
up the seawater back pressure until the salt water entered the fresh water
at the fancy rubber elbow on the heat exchanger that is supposed to keep
the two waters seperate.

A new exhaust elbow fixed it.

There Oughtta be a Law that exhaust elbows be made only of stainless...


> Hi All,
> I had a similar experience, and after all the angst and anger, and the
> of a really talented diesel man, learned it was a nearly plugged exhaust
> water injection elbow.  Turns out that they accumulate soot that cakes
> the inside, slowly building up until the back pressure builds to the point
> the engine loses power and finally stops after a short time running.  It
> will readily re-start, then stop again...and so on
> Good luck.
> Gary 

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