On Monday, June 6, 2016 at 6:16:52 PM UTC+9, Anthony Maire wrote:
> Hi Remko
> Great job ! 
> As Martin said, it's really a good thing for the high-performance 
> community that someone is trying to improve existing logging frameworks.
> The company I'm working for even started to write it's own custom SLF4J 
> implementation, and now we are evaluating if it's better for us to finish 
> this internal project or to write some custom filters and switch to log4j.
Would you like to hear my totally unbiased opinion/advice? :-)
I'm not a fan of SLF4J... It means you can never use the rich feature set 
of the underlying logger. Like no lambdas 
<http://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/api.html#LambdaSupport>! No 
CharSequences or plain domain objects, only Strings.
Not sure why people would want to use it in enterprise software. 
Maybe, well, likely, I'm biased :-) but I honestly don't see the advantage.
If the concern is the ability to change your mind later, there is always 
the log4j-to-slf4j adapter 

> I think there is one possible improvement with boxed primitive types: for 
> the moment we want to use only SLF4J api (as a consequence, we're aiming 
> for a low allocation rate, but not necessarily no allocation at all), so 
> the "Unboxer" mecanism provided in log4j is not an option for us to deal 
> with primitive types.
> Is this possible in a future release to have a special cases in 
> ParameterFormatter.appendSpecialTypes() for boxed primitive types ? 
> Currently, when using parametrized message with both Object and primitive 
> parameters, I haven't find a "SLF4J-compatible" way to avoid this 
> allocation when formatting.

If I understand correctly, you're less concerned with the varargs and the 
auto-boxed primitives, but would like to avoid calling toString() on the 
objects that resulted from the auto-boxing (please correct me if I 
misunderstood). Is something like the below what you have in mind? Would 
you mind raising a feature request on the Log4j2 issue tracker 
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LOG4J2> for this?

private static boolean appendSpecialTypes(final Object o, final StringBuilder 
str) {

    } else if (o instanceof Long) {
        str.append(((Long) o).longValue());
        return true;

    } else if (o instanceof Integer) {
        str.append(((Integer) o).intValue());

return true;

    } else if (o instanceof Double) {
        str.append(((Double) o).doubleValue());

        return true;
    } // similarly for float, short and boolean.


> Kind Regards,
> Anthony
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