Ceki Gülcü at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Greetings,
> Here is a written critique of JSR47, the logging API shipped with
> JDK 1.4:
> http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/docs/critique.html
> If you agree with its contents, then you are encouraged to send a
> personalized request to
> asking them to adopt log4j as the logging API shipped with JDK
> 1.4. Please cc: me if and when you choose do so. Thank you in advance.

No matter how many requests they get, it's too bad, but this is for sure not
going to happen, as what's delivered in the platform strictly must adhere to
what the JCP produces. Apache is a member of the JCP for the J2EE platform,
but not for the J2SE, where JSR47 falls, that's why we weren't asked to

Anyway, knowing Graham (he's a very reasonable person), I bet that for the
next revision of the API you will be asked to participate :) Not all hope is
lost... :) :)


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