One question about using log4j with EJB. (WebSphere 4.0)

The log4j works smoothly with any Java code except EJB beans. All log4j
codes among EJB beans just don't produce any output in the log file. Anyone
on the same boat?
Or should I configure Websphere to allow it to use log4j ('cause log4j
violates EJB spec, e.g. reflection, etc)



-----Original Message-----
From: ajack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 10:37 AM
To: 'Log4J Users List'
Subject: RE: Using log4j with EJB

        The suggestion that Adam made regarding use of JNDI sounds the most
        appealing and I have a couple of questions:

        1.  You establish the java:comp/env/... settings for Log4J in the
        server XML configuration file(s), correct?

Our app server implements JNDI via CORBA naming, and the underlying storage
is not XML, but I guess from your question your is.

        2.  Using this method of configuration, are you able to use the
        automatic reload capability so that changes can be made to the
        configuration at runtime without having to cycle the app server?

I suspect one could, it "hits" JNDI each time a property request is made,
but we've chosen not to try, for performance. Our code, including logging
code, loads configuration only once.

        3.  The Properties extension you wrote, is that something you would
        willing to release to the open source community? :-) (worth a shot).

"willing to release" implies release worthy, any this code is not the
quality of that.  No testing on other app servers, not optimised, no
documentation, you know the kind: it works well enough for us. That said,
I'll send you a few classes if you want, maybe the code will be like a



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