I'm not sure there is a restriction on using reflection in EJB.  On page
495 of the EJB 2.0 spec, in section 24.1.2, Programming Restrictions:

The enterprise bean must not attempt to query a class to obtain
information about the declared
members that are not otherwise accessible to the enterprise bean because
of the security rules
of the Java language. The enterprise bean must not attempt to use the
Reflection API to access
information that the security rules of the Java programming language
make unavailable.

Maybe I'm reading too literally, but the restriction is on using
reflection to circumvent standard Java security.  I don't think log4j
use of reflection is breaking this rule; e.g., you're not manipulating
private fields or calling private methods, are you?

I'm also making use of reflection for some startup code (which populates
the JNDI tree based on configuration files and databases) and would be
quite dismayed if a container should choose to disallow it.


 -----Original Message-----
From:   Ceki Gülcü [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent:   Wednesday, March 20, 2002 7:38 PM
To:     Log4J Users List
Subject:        Re: Using log4j with EJB

XYZConfigurator.configureAndWatch is known to work (in single server
mode) with WebSphere 4, Weblogic 6.1, Orion and JBoss. This particular
method call violates the EJB spec on three accounts. 1) It uses
reflection. 2) It accesses a file. 3) It spawns a thread.

I find the restriction on reflection particularly unacceptable because
a lot of interesting stuff can only be done using reflection. In any
case, the section entitled "Programming Restrictions" has a lot of
impact on user code but it is particularly unclear.

At 17:56 20.03.2002 -0600, Bobby Nations wrote:
>We're using WebLogic 6.1 and having no trouble with the
>"log4j.properties" ) methods.  We placed the directory holding the 
>properties file into the server's classpath, and it finds it no
>Yeah, I know, this violates the EJB spec, but hey, it works for us and
>have no plans of switching app servers any time soon.  Of course, BEA 
>could always take it away from us at some point, but we'll cross that 
>bridge when we get to it.
>Your mileage may vary,
>Bellamy, Scot wrote:
>>In our environment we are using J2EE, including EJB.  We would like to
>>employ Log4J as our logging utility for new projects.  This isn't a
>>problem with the exception of EJB.  We have identified a way to write
>>log messages utilizing JMS to send to a separate running process.
>>However, we haven't found a good way to utilize the Log4J
>>files in EJB, since EJB code cannot utilize the java.io package.  Has
>>anyone discovered a way to accomplish this?
>Sr. Programmer / Analyst
>FedEx Services
>20 FedEx Parkway
>Collierville, TN  38017
>(901) 263-6517
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