On Tue, 2002-04-30 at 23:15, Steve Cohen wrote:
> Oops, I was wrong.  The rollovers DO occur, but not as I expected.  I guess I didn't 
>read the doc carefully enough.  I was expecting a file named 
>BadExample.2002-04-30-18-01.log.  Instead, I find the file is called 
> Is there any way to tweak this beast to perform as I wish it to?

I'm having problems with getting the DailyRollingThing working too.  I
think it doesn't work if append is set to true, but I have to wait until
my log rolls over at midnight to check this :-)

You can change the filename format (I think, I've never done this) by
changing your config to:

> log4j.appender.R.DatePattern=yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm'.log'


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