> >http://nagoya.apache.org/wiki/apachewiki.cgi?Log4JProjectPage
> s/Log4jvsJDKLogging
> I modified and edited the above page. Please let me know what 
> you think.

Much better.  Thanks!

The biggest reasons to use log4j, in my mind, are:

1) It is opensource, so if you need to make changes or add functionality for
your particular need, even at the core level of functionality, you can.

2) The advancement of the technology in the logging related space is going
to move faster in the log4j space than it is in the Sun/JDK space.  Through
bug fixes or talented committers joining the effort, more can happen here
than can effectively be done at Sun where the focus and effort is on other
things (like staying in business and not being crushed by M$, HP, IBM, etc).
This is true even though v1.3 seems to be taking longer than we want. :-)


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