At 04:21 PM 4/28/2004 -0700, you wrote:
jk> There are ways to figure out if Log4j has been configured in
jk> 1.2.x.  Try this...


I'm a little confused by this cite.  I presume you're talking about
the Log4jConfigurator example.

Did you look at the code above the Log4jConfigurator example? Looks pretty similar to what you are doing below. BTW, if you think your example is better or otherwise useful, why not add it to the wiki?


 That looks like a fairly vanilla
example of a singleton class to keep yourself from double-dipping
log4j.  That does nothing to tell you if it's already been configured
by somebody else, or am I misreading it?

We do this around here:

* log4j has a wacky default if it doesn't get any configuration help from the environment.
* It turns on DEBUG at the RootLogger level. So, everything wrapped in isDebugEnabled will
* be done even though it is written to nowhere. Grrr. This method looks for that condition.
* If all loggers (1) have no appenders, and (2) are at DEBUG level, then fix things up by
* setting the RootLogger at the ERROR level (which will cascade down).
* @return whether or not corrective action was taken.
protected static boolean checkForCrazyLog4jDefault()
org.apache.log4j.Logger rl = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getRootLogger();
if (!loggerIsThatCrazyWay(rl)) return false;
Enumeration allLoggers = LogManager.getCurrentLoggers();
while (allLoggers.hasMoreElements())
org.apache.log4j.Logger lgr = (org.apache.log4j.Logger)allLoggers.nextElement();
if (! loggerIsThatCrazyWay(lgr)) return false;
// OK, I guess it *is* that crazy way... change to a different, slightly less crazy way
return true;
private static boolean loggerIsThatCrazyWay(org.apache.log4j.Logger lgr)
Enumeration appenders = lgr.getAllAppenders();
if (appenders.hasMoreElements()) return false;
Level lvl = lgr.getEffectiveLevel();
if (lvl != null)
if (! lvl.equals(Level.DEBUG)) return false;
return true;

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