No log4j.xml, and only the two
- one in the /tomcat/shared/classes for tomcat inner logs
- one in the /tomcat/common/classes for tomcat applications logs

I make both of them after the error message...


Jacob Kjome wrote:
Is there a log4j.xml anywhere on the classpath (in the default package, that
is)?  Look in directories and jars.  I would suggest changing to an XML config
file because Log4j looks for it first.  If it doesn't find log4j.xml, then it
looks for  I've seen this happen so often to users that it is
the first thing I ask them.


Quoting James Stauffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Try running with -Dlog4j.debug.  That should give you more info about
the problem.

On 8/14/06, Takacs Bence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

James Stauffer wrote:
Is there a log4j.jar under shared or common?

On 8/14/06, Takacs Bence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I _only_ moved from shared/classes to two different
webapps/app/WEB-INF/classes directory. In other words I deleted the
original file and made two different copies (with the required
modifications of course).

Both projects has it's own log4j.jar too.


James Stauffer wrote:
Did you move also?  You will need to do that too.

On 8/14/06, Takacs Bence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

James Stauffer wrote:
I meant different config files.  If you move the lib/log4j.jar and
classes/ from the shared classpath (i.e.
tomcat/common) to each webapp (i.e. webapps/app/WEB-INF) then
each app
will use a separate config file.
I deleted the common /tomcat/shared/classes/, and put
different properties file to the different projects
(webapps/app/WEB-INF/classes). But it seems that only one send logs
of it. I can't get the other one's logs neither on the console nor on
ftp. Maybe on tcp it could be problem that I set the same port for
two appenders but what about the console???

Any idea?


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