> I must say though:
> "We are so happy with the quality and stability of Log4j 2, we are
> convinced it is a fantastic replacement for Log4j 1."
> That's clearly a lie. You wouldn't say these things if you were really
> happy and really convinced it'd be a replacement. That is make believe. In
> that case you'd say something like

easy there. that's pretty harsh treatment of other list participants, and
presumptuous to state you know what someone else is thinking/feeling.

I'm kinda wondering what kind of personal goals of interests you have in
> pushing this version evolution so much? When you see that half the world,
> so to speak, still uses version 1.x. But it's like you have an ulterior
> motive, such as e.g. an employer that wants it, or a certain subsection of
> what you work with who would want that. Or some bragging rights, I don't
> know.

keeping an employer happy is not an ulterior motive. People like to be able
to pay their bills.

I would ensure that the old java versions still have a place. It would be a
> rotten place if some old server that can't be upgraded by you or anyone
> wouldn't be able to run Log4j and you are also closing the gap between the
> existing user base that is maybe 80-90% version 1, and the ever widening or
> departing version 2 that gets further and further away from that old Java
> 1.5. And what reasons do you have to go for java 7 and 8? Probably not all
> that important except that it is a selling point of some thing for some
> people. A library must be conservative.

agreed. but let's be objective about what life is like in the "obsolete
server" space: you aren't typically deploying radically new code there that
introduces new logging dependencies, either! log4j2 requires java 6, I have
a few boxes that don't support that, but very few.

I condider java having gone in bad directions anyway starting with 1.5. All
> of the designs are ugly in my mind and to my perception and opinion.
> I love the old java but all of the new things continuously make the code
> more hideous and I believe harder to maintain. Just look at all the
> annotations for the plugins and all. It is very hard to read and quite
> complex or complicated the way I see it.

I see a lot of stuff in Java 7 and 8 that I don't understand (yet), but
that doesn't make me say "java 8 is a step backward"; usually I have (and
exercise) the option to ignore changes that I don't yet see the value of. I
could keep writing what I've always written, and appreciate the fact that I
am getting security updates.

> Generics are hard and hardly readable. @Override annotations hardly have
> any use. And become 'invalid' once the code compiles correctly the first
> times. Superfluous. I don't know much about it, much else. I just think the
> code is getting uglier and uglier that I see around.
> Enums are also not that great and suffer from some serious design flaws.
> The move from arrays to Collection classes is too great and you are often
> left to choose completely between two competing paradigms in the same code.
> Do I use enums and collections? Or do I use indexes and arrays? Do I use
> enums with fields to index arrays? . How much slower is my code going to be
> if a switch statement requires a method call and an array lookup? . Where
> is the pristine quality of using bitsets or even java BitSets?. (We still
> don't have "struct" types, e.g. pascal had "record" type structures that
> caused you to accurately design a form of memory structure that could be
> instantiated). Java code is becoming and has become convoluted because
> programming essentials are left behind and everything becomes Expensive.
> Because of memory alignment there is hardly any use for
> non-default-bitwidth integers and the smaller types that exist have no
> purpose because they are signed. And everyone must be feeling this, all of
> this. You can't program this shit for longer periods if you don't feel what
> it does to you. Where's the fun in all of this? There are not even good
> (generic) binary tree or whatever tree implementations that you can really
> use to store objects in. At least in the default collections.

Most of the stuff that's been added over time has increased my productivity
immensely once I've invested the time to master it (this is from the
standpoint of someone making a living writing Java since v1.1). For most of
the stuff I do, my customer is happier if I stamp the stuff out quickly,
rather than agonize over every decision from a performance standpoint (for
a lot of stuff, machines are cheaper than programming time). I realize that
is not the case, especially on very large systems; adding more hardware
there gets expen$ive.

> Oh well, just my way of seeing things I guess. I have Java 8 on the
> windows machine, 7 on my new debian VPS, but I was seriously planning to
> develop and deploy for java 5.

go ahead and just write Java 5 code, compile and run it with 7 or 8, and be

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