> So you are saying that you would simply add a log4j1 to log4j2 bridge
> right. And those libraries that use the old version then automatically use
> the bridge. And everything runs agains the new version then regardless.

yep. they designed it to do that, and it works as advertised. I used to
bridge j.u.l and JCL to slf4j feeding log4j1, and now am doing it with JUL,
JCL, and slf4j feeding log4j2.

> I believe slf4j is also meant for that right? I don't like its deployment
> but it's super easy of course. So you would bridge log4j1 to log4j2 for
> example (for older libraries/systems) and meanwhile you write your own code
> against slf4j so that it is portable to another framework if required.

precisely. that's why I use the slf4j bindings in my own stuff.

> I would personally still be tempted to move to log4j2 if it's a better
> product. But mostly I believe the Java progression version requirement is
> what would hold me back. Java 1.6 is probably not so bad. Knowing that if I
> jumped to log4j2 I would need to be very conservative and not jump on the
> 1.7 and 1.8 bandwagon, would ... reduce the attractiveness of the upgrade.
> From my perception (and I must say I am *very* perceptive, people regularly
> tell me if I get the chance, how right on the mark I am) the biggest
> benefit of log4j2 from an upgrade perspective is to be right where the
> money is. The biggest downside is higher java version requirements. I don't
> think (If I am allowed to voice a sentiment that may not be warranted here)
> the new API thing is absolute perfection but that would not hold me back,
> because progress is possible and progress is what happens in the future,
> not the past.

I hadn't been keeping track of the Java version dependencies, and I agree
that future versions depending on Java 7 will probably cause some people
not to switch. But as observed, log4j2 2.3 is available.

how big of an issue is a Java 7 dependency? One problem is having an
environment that absolutely cannot be upgraded (some web environments and
old OSes come to mind), but how big is that space?

I can't recall any old code I've seen that won't run on a newer JVM that it
was designed for.

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