I appreciate the passion. I wish it can be put to constructive use for
log4j 2 :-)

You might find it of interest that there is a recent mail thread to discuss
having Log4j 2 process properties-based configurations, as we did in 1.2.
Maybe the 1.2 compatibility module is an area that would be of interest to

WRT Java versions, Java 6 has been EOL for a while. Java 7 has some good
incremental changes. Java 8 has lambdas, finally.


On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 12:26 PM, Xen <x...@dds.nl> wrote:

> Op 14-8-2015 om 19:10 schreef Douglas Wegscheid:
>> That's clearly a lie. You wouldn't say these things if you were really
>>> happy and really convinced it'd be a replacement. That is make believe.
>>> In
>>> that case you'd say something like
>>> easy there. that's pretty harsh treatment of other list participants, and
>> presumptuous to state you know what someone else is thinking/feeling.
> I would say that that is the biggest lie ;-). Knowing how another is
> feeling is a perfect skill and essence and even requirement of many
> branches of sports. It forms the basis of seduction (of women) but also of
> knowing what to say and when to say it. It forms the basis of persuasion,
> and really of any sort of dealing with people who might have goals of
> whatever sort and are manouvring against you or with you. Knowing how
> another is feeling is the requirement of knowing how to help the person,
> and listening, being quiet and silent and observing, perceiving, is the
> essence of knowing how another is feeling.
> It is rather the thought that you /can't /know how another is feeling that
> is a false belief that is perpetrated and perpetuated amongst certain
> classes of professions, mostly, particularly those that deal with mental
> health care, to say not the least.
> Any person that runs a professional business of some sophistication
> (helping clients with their needs) definitely requires knowing how another
> is feeling, because otherwise you can't know the person and cannot create
> or offer something that the person will really like. You have to be in tune
> with another, otherwise you might just as well quit.
> It requires to listen and to look, something at which obviously women are
> usually better, but anyone can do it really. It requires to wait and not
> jump to a conclusion immediately, but also to trust your instincts and
> intuitions and go with them.
>> keeping an employer happy is not an ulterior motive. People like to be
>> able
>> to pay their bills.
> It is ulterior to the project if the project is an open source project
> with stated community goals. If then your actual motives are dictated by
> your current employer, -- not necessarily saying they are here, THAT would
> be presumptuous -- instead of by the community's needs (or the desire of
> the product itself to evolve in whatever direction) -- the creative impetus
> -- then you could say design choices and commitments are being made that
> fly in the face of what everyone else needs, but which may not be obvious
> to the casual bystander, who is left to wonder "why?".
> Often in life, when people do things that seem to be outrageously
> incomprehensible or from the surface look if it, downright stupid, or
> destructive, you may not be in the knowing as to what their true goals
> really are. This happens often in politics I believe. You do not know why a
> politician is making a certain move. And because he is not telling you the
> truth about it, it seems incomprehensible to you that he would still do
> that thing given the reasons he cites, because /they are not his real
> reasons/. Were you to know his real reasons, everything becomes logical
> again.
> In this case I also feel that there are personal reasons here for the
> version push. That I don't understand really from my position and lack of
> knowledge about this all. So what I am saying is that there is a "why?"
> that I do not understand really. I can feel that it is there, and I can
> feel that there are probably some (?)important people who /really want it
> to happen/ but I don't know who they are and where they are hiding ;-) so
> to speak, to say it a bit belligerently. (Seriously, I know English words
> that I never remember having ever seen).
> When Kubuntu had released version 15.04 Jonathan Riddell, the guy who got
> so in the dispute with the Ubuntu Community Council (if I may be allowed to
> say anything about it as a bystander) ...--- immediately without pause went
> to planning for version 15.10. Not a moment to waste, straight ahead, no
> reflection, no looking back. I told him to pause, he said it was not
> constructive to say that.
> What he didn't say and what I didn't know, but what another member told me
> ; -) was that he is a full time employee on Kubuntu so given the nature of
> his work he would have to perhaps /take days off/ in order to take a break.
> He had to stop working his dayjob in order to sit back and relax and look
> back! That was the missing piece of information that explained his
> behaviour for about 40-60%.
> ;-).
> agreed. but let's be objective about what life is like in the "obsolete
>> server" space: you aren't typically deploying radically new code there
>> that
>> introduces new logging dependencies, either! log4j2 requires java 6, I
>> have
>> a few boxes that don't support that, but very few.
> Okay, right. Still I feel the version push is too fast. I don't know what
> the reasons are for it. Supposing I wanted to run on older systems, I might
> then need to drop Log4j 2 and go with v1 just for a few of those systems.
> It's not that I have these outrageous demands on what my logging needs to
> do, far from it, probably. It's just that I happen to be using the newest
> version, not for its features, but for its advancement in the API, for
> example. I would then be given the choice to either stick completely to
> e.g. 2.3, which is rotten, being stuck in a mid-way version is just silly.
> My own improvements would then be insensible, what reason would there be to
> do anything for it?.
> Of course its'the same with Kubuntu and Plasma 4 /5 . Developing for KDE 4
> gets kinda ....deadening when you are the only one doing it (for instance).
> So there'd be another choice:
> fork the project and strip away all the higher language versions.
> Featuronality. I don't even know what the new version is going to use that
> requires java 7?.
> I only really saw two things of interest in my quick/non-quick perousal.
> One was mult-threaded class loaders, and the other is the diamond notation
> for generics. I don't know what else?.
> Why is it  going to need Java 7?
> It is written that Java 7 has already reached EOL back in April. But still
> on a general Linux system it is the only thing you can install, at least on
> a conservative system like Debian. The Ubuntus probably have Java 8, for
> example.
> I see a lot of stuff in Java 7 and 8 that I don't understand (yet), but
>> that doesn't make me say "java 8 is a step backward"; usually I have (and
>> exercise) the option to ignore changes that I don't yet see the value of.
>> I
>> could keep writing what I've always written, and appreciate the fact that
>> I
>> am getting security updates.
> Of course yeah, agreed, same. I do believe the Java 8 JDK has become a
> much (?) larger download than Java 7. On bad links I am tempted to search
> for Java 7 just so my download size is smaller.
> Most of the stuff that's been added over time has increased my productivity
>> immensely once I've invested the time to master it (this is from the
>> standpoint of someone making a living writing Java since v1.1). For most
>> of
>> the stuff I do, my customer is happier if I stamp the stuff out quickly,
>> rather than agonize over every decision from a performance standpoint (for
>> a lot of stuff, machines are cheaper than programming time). I realize
>> that
>> is not the case, especially on very large systems; adding more hardware
>> there gets expen$ive.
> That's cool. I would love to learn more about it as well. Currently I 'm
> doing the max of what I can digest though and it is not fun. Configuring a
> Linux VPS and and all that.
> go ahead and just write Java 5 code, compile and run it with 7 or 8, and be
>> happy!
> Of course I can do that but not if my logging library requires greater.
> Right? Or should I (be able to) write against slf4j and then run on older
> systems by binding to an older version of Log4j?.

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