oi Tony,
>We can look back at Goedel's work as one early attempt of fibring of formal 
e', a gente sempre pode "look at anything as anything", mas qual 'e a
sua evidencia de que isso 'e util?  o que voce acha que ganha com essa


2011/10/1 Tony Marmo <marmo.t...@gmail.com>:
> Dear friends,
> We can look back at Goedel's work as one early attempt of fibring of formal
> systems. Thus, the problem of determining the consistency and the
> completeness of the system seems to be like the same problem for a given
> logic L which is obtained by the fibring of two logics L* and L**. First
> order arithmetics is thus the fibring of first order logic and Peano's
> arithmetics, which yields the known results presented by Goedel.
> We have no a priori intuitive reason to assume that a certain fibring will
> produce a consistent and complete system. This has to be checked as the
> systems are combined. If in combining two systems one produces results like
> those of Goedel's theorems, it must still be possible to investigate the
> resulting system by investigating other features of the same, namely
> checking whether it has different, new, unusual or unexpected properties.
> In sum, I don't expect to see novelties that can or will overshadow Goedel's
> contributions, except in consequence of more advances in the field of
> fibring.
> Em 1 de outubro de 2011 14:21, Walter Carnielli
> <walter.carnie...@gmail.com>escreveu:
>> Caros colegas:
>> como vimos,  o Ed Nelson  retirou seu "claim"  sobre a inconsistência de
>>  P.
>> Isso, contudo, não significa  o fim das discussões, nem  menos  a
>> garantia da  consistência de P!
>> Quero aqui parabenizar ao nosso  colega   Daniel Tausk do IME  USP
>> (http://www.ime.usp.br/~tausk/)
>> pela  excelente  observação que convenceu   o Nelson.  Imagino  que  o
>> Rodrigo Freire  e  outros coelgas da  USP tenham  participado
>> ativamente da atmosfera de discussão que levou o Daniel a observar o
>> erro na pretensa prova do Ed Nelson.
>> E  finalmente  parabenizo o Ed Nelosn  pela coragem em  propor sua
>> alegação, e pela  humildade em reconhecer  publicamente o erro. Acho
>> que é assim  que se faz ciência,  e  acho que  esse tipo de atitude é
>> que devemos ensinar aos nossos  estudantes, e  aprendermos  nós
>> mesmos.  Ed  Nelson  merece  uma  homegagem.
>> Abraços,
>> Walter
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Edward Nelson <nel...@math.princeton.edu>
>> Date: 2011/10/1
>> Subject: [FOM] inconsistency of P
>> To: f...@cs.nyu.edu
>> Terrence Tao, at
>> http://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2011/09/
>> and independently Daniel Tausk (private communication)
>> have found an irreparable error in my outline.
>> In the Kritchman-Raz proof, there is a low complexity
>> proof of K(\bar\xi)>\ell if we assume \mu=1, but the
>> Chaitin machine may find a shorter proof of high
>> complexity, with no control over how high.
>> My thanks to Tao and Tausk for spotting this.
>> I withdraw my claim.
>> The consistency of P remains an open problem.
>> Ed Nelson
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>> --
>> -----------------------------------------------
>> Prof. Dr. Walter Carnielli
>> Director
>> Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science – CLE
>> State University of Campinas –UNICAMP
>> 13083-859 Campinas -SP, Brazil
>> Phone: (+55) (19) 3521-6517
>> Fax: (+55) (19) 3289-3269
>> Institutional e-mail: walter.carnie...@cle.unicamp.br
>> Website: http://www.cle.unicamp.br/prof/carnielli
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