É, depois de ler a parte sobre o tempo eu desisti do Kiselev.


On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 4:00 PM, Joao Marcos <botoc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Pois o homem acabou de mandar uma mensagem "muito profunda" (e, na
> minha opinião, até divertida) para a f.o.m. sobre este assunto.  Basta
> agora traduzir da língua que ele usa para alguma que possa ser
> processada por humanos!  (Talvez usando peixinhos Babel, ou aquela
> maquineta do filme Marte Ataca?)
> http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/2011-October/015931.html
> "Now  some comments on the situation should be stated. The common
> opinion is that inaccessibles do exist in the Set Theory which is
> sufficiently adequate. And it is really have to be so, because the
> faith in inaccessibles existence is the most ingenious attainment of
> the mankind and it contains the greatest moments of truth (God himself
> is really the best inaccessible cardinal).  So, the principle of
> inaccessible cardinals existence must not be destroyed by no means.
> Therefore the nonexistence of inaccessible cardinals within ZF and
> other affined theories (and, more widely, within contemporary Set
> Theory) confirms: not the inaccessible cardinals nonexistence is
> fallacious, but the theory ZF itself is nonadequate.  And the
> nonexistence of inaccessibles should be treated as the "external
> inconsistence" of this theory itself.
> - Therefore this theory should be confined in its applications, and it
> should be corrected. This correction should  lie in the implementation
> in this theory the notion of inaccessible
> existence. It seems natural, that it should be done by means of the
> following: the Time
> phenomenon -- that very notion, of which Set Theory was deprived many
> centuries,
> that  already became absolute in all mathematical world -- should be
> redeemed bbackward in mathematics. The way out of this crisis should
> lie in the backward  implementation the time phenomenon in the body of
> the Set Theory, and the more valuable it will be done the better.
> Maybe, it should be done in fields of ultraintuitionism  of
> Yessenin-Volpin, or of Vopenka (these theories are the most
> appropriate for this purpose, as it seems), maybe in the way of
> Nonstandard  Mathematics, and so on."
> JM
> 2011/10/21 Rodrigo Freire <freires...@gmail.com>:
> > Não, do jeito que está aquele "outline" não é para levar a sério. A
> > impressão que fica é que ele cortou e colou uns pedaços do texto maior
> sem
> > se preocupar com a coerência. Aí ficou daquele jeito: tem uns três
> objetos
> > denotados por \chi na mesma página.
> >
> > Justamente nesse tipo de assunto em que é preciso ser cuidadoso. Há
> vários
> > argumentos errados para a inconsistência de ZF em que o erro é sutil.
> Esse
> > tipo de coisa tem que ser formulada precisamente, é fácil errar.
> >
> > Abraço
> > Rodrigo
> --
> http://sequiturquodlibet.googlepages.com/
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